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LIV doll knee joint

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

LIV doll knee joint

Postby Samseramsamsam » Sat Jun 14, 2014 5:34 am

Hi there, I recently purchased my first LIV doll. she arrived today and I love her to bits - however, her left knee does not bend properly, which inhibits her motion range or even just sitting ;_;

The "disk" in the knee does not slide down, but stays with the thigh (basically, the upper disk joint cannot turn due to that issue). Is there any possibility to get this joint to move? I would not like to apply pure force as I do not know how fragile these dolls are...

Does anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance!
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Re: LIV doll knee joint

Postby koratheexplora » Sat Aug 16, 2014 1:26 pm

Apply pressure. They aren't super fragile.
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