Oh whoa, I didn't think about the heads being so small! I think you saved me Setsuna.
I tried my Mini's head on my 27cm Slim Male, and the size is way too small for James. You're right, Pokémon characters have bigger heads, so I think I might need to get the type of Parabox head you used for Red. (your Red is crazy adorable, by the way! ^^) It's big like the P-chan head, right?
Plus, I don't think there are any 25cm males out there, so I'll have to use the 27cm Obitsus for them. It should be an okay body for them I think since they're taller than the other characters. But I really would like to find an old style 27cm Slim Male for James so he'll be a bit shorter and closer to a 27cm Jessie's height.