Kirahfaye wrote:So you really
were raised in a barn!
hehe... sort of. We did camp in the hay loft once. Once. Never have I woken with more bug bites. SOME sort of critter was rummaging around up there. Probably a raccoon. Bruce also lived up there (a bat.) Horses are noisy at night, too. They stomp and rustle in the hay bins and their hooves crunch delicate little taps on the rocks at night. And there's the itching! THE INFERNAL ITCHING! If ever you read a fantasy novel where the characters curl up in soft, warm hay to sleep just know now the writer is lying to you. They've never slept in the itchy, dusty, spider-web encrusted, snot-black-from-hay-dust disaster that is a hay loft. If I ever write a scene like that my characters will be scratching their rash-covered asses for a week.