by Vetinari » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:33 am
The bow-legs on the Mirodoll 70cm girl body are actually present in the sculpt, however I do think that the legs look more curved in photos than IRL so it may be a mix of both angle and sculpt. I do think the leg shape is a stylistic choice rather than an error on the sculptors part, in hand they're surprisingly well thought out in terms of musculature etc. and in person add to the slightly oddly proportioned super-model vibes rather than looking rickets-esque. Got to admit curiosity about the legs was one of the reasons I chose this body! I kinda think the legs were designed to do that "cute" toes pointed inwards, but legs somehow splayed outwards pose you see so often in female characters in anime/manga (I suspect there's an actual name for that pose, but gods know what it is!) since in hand I think it looks like the legs are twisting towards each other where the knee joint would be on a real person holding that position.
(Oh rather randomly, signing in and out of flickr again has made the BBcode options reappear

So guessing it was a mild error about whether/not I was actually logged in)
Crazy Mulitverse Crew: Drax, Jareth, Jerome, Elrana Milenkova, The Thin White Duke, Vasily Lupandin, Ramin Aiphos, Theta Sigma, Aiko Koyame, Lord Havelock Vetinari, Dr Nicholas Rush, Anon., Nyta Kinall, Otto Kreiner, That Demon, Sasu, Yaya, Ombre
...reshelling Szesil Markowski and Garan Idasson