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Re: New Arrivals

Postby VirgoVertigo » Sun Nov 08, 2015 12:43 pm

FacelessPuppets wrote:Image

These are home :D (the two girls and the guy's body, he used to be a floating head before)

I forgot to post them in the waiting room, so I hope it's okay that I post them here.

the little girl omg ;3; so small and precious~! grats!
also, big guy's hair is on point.
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Vetinari » Tue Nov 10, 2015 10:33 am

The bow-legs on the Mirodoll 70cm girl body are actually present in the sculpt, however I do think that the legs look more curved in photos than IRL so it may be a mix of both angle and sculpt. I do think the leg shape is a stylistic choice rather than an error on the sculptors part, in hand they're surprisingly well thought out in terms of musculature etc. and in person add to the slightly oddly proportioned super-model vibes rather than looking rickets-esque. Got to admit curiosity about the legs was one of the reasons I chose this body! I kinda think the legs were designed to do that "cute" toes pointed inwards, but legs somehow splayed outwards pose you see so often in female characters in anime/manga (I suspect there's an actual name for that pose, but gods know what it is!) since in hand I think it looks like the legs are twisting towards each other where the knee joint would be on a real person holding that position.

(Oh rather randomly, signing in and out of flickr again has made the BBcode options reappear :oops: So guessing it was a mild error about whether/not I was actually logged in)
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Trethowan » Wed Nov 11, 2015 11:04 pm

Vetinari wrote:The bow-legs on the Mirodoll 70cm girl body are actually present in the sculpt, however I do think that the legs look more curved in photos than IRL so it may be a mix of both angle and sculpt. I do think the leg shape is a stylistic choice rather than an error on the sculptors part, in hand they're surprisingly well thought out in terms of musculature etc. and in person add to the slightly oddly proportioned super-model vibes rather than looking rickets-esque. Got to admit curiosity about the legs was one of the reasons I chose this body! I kinda think the legs were designed to do that "cute" toes pointed inwards, but legs somehow splayed outwards pose you see so often in female characters in anime/manga (I suspect there's an actual name for that pose, but gods know what it is!) since in hand I think it looks like the legs are twisting towards each other where the knee joint would be on a real person holding that position.

(Oh rather randomly, signing in and out of flickr again has made the BBcode options reappear :oops: So guessing it was a mild error about whether/not I was actually logged in)

While I was in Japan I was told (by the tour guide) that condition was caused by sitting folded on one's legs for extended periods of time while growing up. I saw a LOT of girls who could barely walk in heels because their feet turned in so far. Now. Is that true? I can't say.

I think that sculpt is definitely put on the top of my list, now. Again, thanks for all the details. :-)
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Sat Dec 05, 2015 2:22 pm

My Lillycat Poulpy arrived today! :D Her name's April. I got her with a face up. And I had clothes that fit her too - the skirt is an MSD skirt, and the top is YoSD with part of the arms cut off :lol:

I need to paint her octopus.

Bad phone photos are bad.


And this is her with her little sister, Lilac (a Lillycat Lulu)
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Qrinta » Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:06 pm

Super cute! Congrats! ^_^ I love the octopus. o.o
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Carrillo » Sat Dec 26, 2015 2:37 pm


Thranduil finally arrived!!! He has no hair so I crocheted him a hat. XD
He's 72cm tall, so finding clothes is a bit of an issue, I might have to make them. He's my first resin cast BJD, and his head was made for me so it took forever. I'm happy! I had to make him some pyjama bottoms out of my old t-shirt, because he only had a vest and underpants on, and that really didn't look good on the couch!

He's sleeping with a care bear...
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Jobee » Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:03 pm


My new doll came in today! I've been playing with her almost all day. Her name is Orchid, and she's a Mattel Raven Queen doll from Ever After High. Click the picture to go to her profile in my blog. Because you know me and my damned blog. lol
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Vetinari » Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:25 am

The eyechip gamble paid off - with minimal sanding to the inner rim of the eyemech, my Taeyang is now pretty much ready for painting:


They shift between green, gold and brown depending on the ambient light. Which is pretty much how I imagine Methos' eyes behave! So I think this little guy is going to be a chibified Methos. :oops:

(apologies on my phone - I'll try to grab the img links when I'm near a PC!)
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Re: New Arrivals

Postby Kirahfaye » Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:50 am

It's super foggy this morning so I thought I'd take a photo of my newly arrived Luts S65 Breeze Sprite, Roho. I'm so excited to finally have him home! I have some more photos of his arrival here - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=11558

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Re: New Arrivals

Postby WhiteDove01s » Sun Feb 07, 2016 10:58 pm

First off, my apologies for a lack of picture just yet... here's the situation...

The Evil Overlord managed to win a huge lot of dolls in online auction. It was basically just described as a 1 cubic ft box of dolls. The pictures didn't make any of the dolls identifiable... all we knew was that we'd be getting a mix of Barbies and Bratz, and that some of them were broken.

It ended up being $20 total... and even NOT counting the two headless bodies with no neck posts, and two girls who had to be decapitated because their Shani bodies had sticky-leg (vinyl degradation is icky)... we ended up with 40 dolls. 20 of which are now mine.

We split the Barbies and Bratz individually, so I now have more Bratz than I ever intended to, and know VERY little about them! And their hair looks like an utter nightmare.

All the dolls range from a couple that looked practically new, to ones I wasn't sure if I could do anything for their matted hair... I'm managing to clean up and detangle one or two a day, on top of everything else I have to do. So far, so good, but it's keeping me busy!

So far I've identified a 'Barbie As Rapunzel', 'Jam N Glam' Barbie, and 'Jewel Girl Barbie'... not much of a dent yet. So... if I get stuck, expect a lot of questions and pictures then. XD Meanwhile, I need to do something (I have NO idea what!) to free up some shelf space for 20 unexpected dolls! XD

... and they'll likely need names, and clothes, and space, and she's saying she wants to do something like this AGAIN and SOON and why did I get her hooked on dolls too? O.O (I'll never finish my headspace character dolls if I drown under a flood of nameless playline refugees...)

... ... So, about the lack of pics? I'll throw some up in a thread if I get stuck on identifications. I probably should have snapped a shot when we first dumped them out of the box, but I didn't think of it until later.
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