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Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collection

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Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collection

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:38 am

Thank you all so much for looking! I've been a tremendous fan of 'Sleeping Beauty' for over 30 years and Disney Princesses in general as well. I posted in this forum section my Sleeping Beauty collection, and now that I've become as big a fan of 'Frozen', particularly Helsa (Hans x Elsa), I started a collection of their dolls and figures and anything and everything else, too!

I hadn't been photographing everything, as I did with Aurora & Phillip, but then I thought I ought to, and am posting in the hope that other fans would be interested to see the dolls/figures/etc to maybe start their own collection or add to one!

So, here we start! :) It's not a terribly big collection...yet... (I know me!) But it's pretty thorough of all the dolls, at least. :)

Thank you once again for viewing these! I hope you see something you might like for your own collection or to start one! :)

Last edited by SetsunaKou on Tue Jan 01, 2019 10:16 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:38 am

1/6 Dolls:

First, I'll start with the main Classic dolls---the 2013 Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 11" dolls from the Disney Store! They are simply perfection sculpts and look exactly like their movie counterparts! Hans is especially gorgeous----he's the most handsome Disney prince doll they've made! (I think! :) And Disney agrees---his doll page is written as 'Hans some' ) I completely redid their faceups, especially Elsa's which was a bit too bland and cartoonish---not CGI style at all. I also made Elsa's gown more movie accurate and gave Hans a 12" Fashion Royalty Homme body as well as both his formal Arendelle Admiral naval uniforms (regular and formal) since that's what he'd be in if he becomes King consort. (I believe in Helsa!) I also made them Wedding attire, which is also shown below. I just adore these two!


Hans in his Southern Isles Naval Uniform:

Next are the Disney Store 2015 Designer Fairytale Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 11" doll set! They are incredibly beautiful and the case is just...perfect! I am just in love with this set! I redid Elsa's gown to be more 'designer' style (like all the other Princesses were stylized/designer gown), rebodied Hans onto a Mattel Fashionista body, and retouched their faceups. This is the regular version of Hans x Elsa designer dolls.
Here's a shot of what they looked like before I altered them:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... efore3.jpg

Next are the Disney Store 2015 D23 Exclusive Version 2 Designer Fairytale Coronation Elsa & Prince Hans 11" doll set! They are simply to die for, and so gorgeous! I redid Elsa's faceup, rebodied Hans onto a Mattel Fashionista body, and retouched his face as well. Hans & Elsa are the ONLY couple to get 2 designer doll sets. My sis says that one is the Hans vs Elsa (villains/heroes) and the other is the Hans x Elsa (couple) because Disney loves Helsa, too, but has to be subtle about it....yet. :) (They also release simultaneously a Kristoff x Anna set, during the Villains/Heroes wave, which everyone was saying 'Huh? Why? Kristoff isn't a villain...' But they didn't get that Disney wanted to release Helsa & Kristanna couple designer sets to match all the other Disney Princess couple sets, and so had to 'slide' them in during the Villains wave in order to bring Helsa about without suspicion.) Anyway, so this is the rare, D23 exclusive couple set of Helsa!
Here's a shot of what they looked like before I altered them:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... before.jpg


Next are the Disney Store Custom OOAK Designer Wedding Elsa & Prince Hans 11" doll set! I had a spare LE designer box and made a Wedding Elsa doll so it was a perfect solution!!! Aren't they gorgeous together?!

And a shot of 3 sets, side by side:

This one's the 2017 Disney Store OFA (Olaf's Frozen Adventure" Elsa 11" Singing doll In 2017, Disney Store made new molds of both Elsa and Anna's head sculpts.....I don't like them. I prefer the original sculpts so much better---especially Anna! (OFA Anna looks like a bug. Seriously. She's awful!) But I like the gowns! This is Elsa in her Christmas gown from OFA, and she's holding her chest full of Olaf handmade cards from Anna and a little Sir Jorgenbjorgen figure! :)

This is the 2015 Mattel Signature Ice Queen Elsa & custom OOAK Disney Store 1990s Style King Hans 11" doll set! Elsa is untouched, exactly as released by Mattel, while Hans was a Prince Phillip 1990s style Disney Store doll that my sister made for me as a custom to match Elsa. (Mattel never released a 1/6 Hans! :( ) I'm not a huge fan of the Mattel Frozen dolls but this Elsa is pretty nicely done! (Apart from her iridescent skin but they do that to all their 'signature' collection Princess dolls to make them look special.)


This is the 2015 Mattel Frozen Fever Queen Elsa & custom OOAK Mattel Prototype (Never officially Released) Prince Hans 11" doll set! Elsa is untouched, exactly as released by Mattel, while Hans is the ultra rare prototype Mattel doll wearing the 3rd Edition Disney Store outfit which is less detailed so I figured it'd be perfect for the Mattel doll! I put them in the Mattel Signature doll box. :)

Here's 2014 Mattel Coronation Elsa & a Prototype Mattel Prince Hans 11" doll set! I gave Elsa a new faceup and eyelashes because her face, as released by Mattel, was sooo cast-eyed! Hans is a prototyype Mattel doll that I redid the faceup on and my sister made his Coronation outfit for (Can you believe Mattel never officially released a 1/6 Hans! :( But I found the prototypes! YAY!

Here's a 2014 Disney on Ice 11" Elsa & custom Disney Store Prince Hans 11" doll set! I completely redid Elsa's faceup, and Hans has been rebodied onto a Hot Toys action body, with a new faceup. (I bought him on eBay, so I don't know who redid his face---it's beautiful.) Even though I already have Disney Store Hans dolls, my Disney on Ice Elsa needed a partner and he was so lovely to give up! :)

Here's the new 2018 Hasbro Toys R Us Exclusive 'Winter Dreams' Elsa & custom Hasbro Prince Hans 11" doll set!Elsa is the same as the classic doll but with rooted eyelashes and a fancier cape, while Hans has been completely custom made. Hasbro hasn't released a Hans dolls (they've actually not released many prince dolls yet!), so I figure, Hans is a long shot, even IF Hasbro gets around to the other guys. :) So I made him from a Disney Descendants doll, sculpted his sideburns, repainted him, and gave him an altered Disney Store Prince Hans 2016 outfit. He came out so cute! (The new Hasbro dolls are really 'cutesy' almost anime like style.)


Here's the new 2016 Hasbro Coronation/Frozen Fever Elsa 11" doll set! I gave Elsa a more accurate Coronation hairstyle, but otherwise she is as from 'factory'. Her Frozen Fever dress I included here as I used the 'Ice Queen' Dress on my classic doll. (See next doll below)

And the classic regular edition 2016 Hasbro Elsa 11" Doll She's pretty and cute!!! I gave Elsa a more accurate cape, but otherwise she is untouched.


Here's the newest 2017 Hasbro Elsa OFA 11" Doll She's got a small regular sized 'doll' head! In 2017, Hasbro redesigned the princess dolls to have more 'normal' smaller heads. (Still bigger than classic pre-2000s Barbie doll heads) So....not sure what to think. I was kind of enamored of the Hasbro 'cute anime' big headed look! It gives a different vibe to the dolls and it's what makes them 'Hasbro' to me. ^^;; So, I prefer the big headed Hasbro Elsa to this normal headed OFA Elsa Hasbro. But still, she's nice in her way, I suppose. I also bought the Aurora, Anna and Rapunzel new 'classic' dolls with the smaller heads for our 'special collections' but for my main Hasbro set, I'm definitely sticking with the more cute and adorable 1st edition dolls with the big anime looking heads!


This is a 2014 Chinese Version Elsa in a Custom Regal Gown & a Chinese Prince Hans 11" doll set My sister just made and gave me Elsa's regal gown this Christmas (2016) and the generic Chinese Hans doll I'd been wanting to go with my Chinese Elsa doll!! I redressed the Elsa in the Regal gown because she is the prettiest Chinese Elsa version doll. She's pretty well made, very detailed face, good hair, nice sculpt---only her legs are like sticks! But since it's under the gown, it doesn't matter anyway. Hans Chinese doll is very well done---action figure poseable jointed body, decent enough outfit (not great, but not bad), and a pretty okay headsculpt. The gown is gorgeous! So detailed and made of velveteen!!! I don't know how she did it! She's amazing!

These are the 2015 Chinese Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 11" dolls She's pretty bad and so is he, but still, they're not horrific. It *does* resemble them. :) Hans has a jointed poseable body. Not bad, actually. :)

And here's 2016 Chinese Frozen Fever Elsa & Prince Hans 11" dolls She's pretty cute and has rooted eyelashes! Hans has a jointed poseable body and we made him look like he looks in Frozen Fever----mucking out the horse stalls!

Now the 2016 Chinese Ice Queen Elsa 11" doll She's too cutesy style! But different!

A 2017 Chinese Ice Queen Elsa 11" doll Another low quality knockoff but she's kind of pretty a little!

And a 2018 Chinese OFA Elsa 11" doll Another low quality knockoff but I love that she's OFA style!!!

Here we have the Disney Store Animators' Collection 2015 Toddler Elsa 5" Mini 1/6 doll along with a Toddler Hans 5" OOAK doll my sister made for my birthday 2018! They're so cute, and jointed! Elsa came with a little Elsa 'ragdoll' figure, too! These are 'mini' versions of the Animators' Collection Toddler dolls.


The 2016 Japan Medicom RAH Ice Queen Elsa 11" 1/6 BJD style doll! She's amazing! She comes with 3 different faceplates with MOVING EYES in each one, for different expressions, a super poseable, ultra jointed body and 2.5 prs of hands! WOW! She's truly one of the outstanding dolls/figures of any Elsa collection!!!


The 2013Disney Store Prince Hans 12" 1/6 doll in custom Arendelle Cloak Attire! This particular DS Hans doll was so handsome (it's funny how the doll's all vary in handsome-ness) that I decided to buy him and pair him with my Elsa Medicom RAH doll above. :) I put him on a Mattel Fashionista body and my sis made him a gorgeous Arendelle cloak outfit! I just love him! So gorgeous and a suitable match for Medicom Elsa!


This is the 2015/2016 Madame Alexander Elsa 13" 1/6 doll! She's so ugly! I can't believe this doll is $275?!?!?! I just bought her for completeness of my Elsa doll collection but my goodness-----why would anyone like these dolls?!?!? (I guess I just can't see their charm. ^^;; )


The 2016 Sparkle Princess Elsa 9" Paper doll! Pretty sturdy, magnetic, but the magnets aren't really strong enough to hold the clothing/accessories on well. (Falls off easily.) Still nice, glossy and heavy!


The 2014Elsa 9" Wooden Paper doll! Wow! Made of solid real wood! Comes with 4 outfits and several accessories.


The 2016Frozen 1/6 Paper doll SetReally nice, comes with all the characters (except Hans! Ugh! I had to make my own to match the set) and in a nice hardcover storage case with stickers, backgrounds, mini comics, etc.


The 2017Disney Store Animators' Collection Frozen 1/6 Paper Toddler doll SetCute! Sketchy looking and comes in a 'room/castle' storage box.
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:58 pm, edited 33 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:39 am

1/4 Dolls:

My precious and beautiful Disney Store Coronation Elsa 16" & custom OOAK King Consort Hans 18" Deluxe LE dolls!I absolutely adore them----they may be my most favorite dolls ever! Elsa is from Winter 2014. She's so beautiful!! I love her embroidered velvet purple cape and gorgeous rosemaling all over her gown! I retouched her faceup----blushed, freckled, and altered her eyes a bit and now she's perfect to me!!!! My sis gave her to me for my birthday Nov 2016! I never thought I'd own her because she's so expensive now! :faints: Thank you, little sister!! :hugs: Hans is an entirely custom OOAK doll I made! I cast and sculpted and painted his head and mounted it on a Tonner 18" slim male body, and made his Arendelle King Consort outfit. I love him so much! I am very picky with Hans since I think he's just perfect and I kept working on his head until I was satisfied that it was 'him.' I'm just in love with the result and I still can't believe he came out so well!! I pleasantly shocked myself. Truly, I think these are the centerpiece of my Helsa collection! :)

This is the 2013 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 17" Light Up Singing doll body with an Elsa LE head She was actually pretty awful from the factory, so I completely redid her in every way. I made her an entirely new gown, cape, replaced and repainted her head with the LE version and painted her 'blue glow' arms to be normal fleshtone. I'm super happy with her result! I even managed to snag an official Elsa Ice Queen LE box to house her in!
See here for how awful she was, factory default face/dress: http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacollection/elsa17singingdollbefore.jpg

And here are photos of my customized Ice Queen 16" LE Elsa Doll:

This is my customized OOAK Disney Store Frozen Fever Queen Elsa 16" Deluxe LE doll from Autumn 2015. I redid my Frozen Fever Elsa 17″ Doll to be her sick, feverish, unwittingly inebriated self! She's fully jointed and really well made. I used the regular 16" doll head on her to get the smirky quirky look just right!

The newest Disney Store OFA Elsa 16" Deluxe LE doll from Winter 2017. She uses the new facesculpt/mold, which I dislike but after I gave her a new faceup, I am starting to grow accustomed to it! I still prefer her original sculpt but with an expressive faceup, she's quite fetching, too! She's fully jointed and though her dress is not navy blue enough (too light), it's very pretty and I love the simplicity of the box.

My wonderful sister for my birthday 2018 made me a set ofDisney Store Masquerade Elsa 16" & custom OOAK Masquerade Hans 18" Deluxe LE dolls! I couldn't believe she made these gorgeous and incredible dolls all on her own (well mostly---I made Hans head after she gave me the set and repainted Elsa's face a bit) and just for me!!! The designs are from her 'Frozen Again' Sequel story and they are based on Sleeping Beauty as Elsa & Hans are masquerading as Phillip and Aurora! With a twist! Anyway, they are just wonderful and I can't ever thank my sister enough! She's so good to me!


This is my Disney Store Regal Princess Elsa 16" Deluxe LE doll from Spring 2015. She's so lovely now, but she was pretty awful from the factory. She had a super shiny face/skin and her hair was so flat, plus her faceup was plain. I completely redid her face/hair, but her dress needed no help--it's too beautiful! She's fully jointed and really well made.
Here's a picture of her, from factory, before I fixed her up:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... before.jpg

And after:

This is the 2017 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 17" Light Up Singing doll I customized into 'Concept Art Evil Villain Ice Queen Elsa' I completely remade her to look like the concept art drawings from Frozen where she was the villainous character in it! Then I put her in an LE box to give her a really authentic feel and look!!! Her cape lights up in time to the music too!


The2017 Bradford Exchange Hamilton Collection Ice Queen Elsa 14" Singing doll She was only 'okay' from the factory, so I completely redid her faceup and now I love her. She sings 'Let It Go' when you press a button on her back left shoulder. She's got a stuffed torso with vinyl arms, legs and head.
See here for how she was, factory default:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... linbox.jpg

And here are photos of my customized Ice Queen 14" Elsa:

My customOOAK Tonner Ice Queen Elsa 16" doll Tonner lost the rights to Disney princesses back in 2011 and so they never made any Frozen dolls! But I wanted an Elsa to match my Tonner Aurora! So I set about making one!!!! I made 2---the first was nice but she looked so serious and...stiff?! So I found a better sculpt suited for Elsa which was cute and pretty at once! And with a slight smirk too---just like Elsa!!! Very happy with this second attempt!

This is a really funIce Queen Elsa 16" Skate & Sing Radio Controlled doll from 2014/2015. She's like those remote controlled 'cars' but it's Elsa! You have a remote controller and you press a button to have her 'skate' and another to make her spin/twirl. All the while, she's singing "Let It Go" until you stop her! It's really kooky but actually really neat!! (Her faceup could be better, though....) Nice unique doll figure!


This is aPrincess Elsa 12" Toddler Chinese doll from 2015. I think they were basing her on the Animators' Collection doll line and did a really good job imitating! So pretty and cute!


This is anIce Queen Elsa 12" Small Word Japanese doll from 2018. From the 'Tokyo Disney' Small World Attraction!

Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:20 pm, edited 30 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:40 am

1/3 or Larger Dolls:

This is the Jakks Pacific Ice Queen Elsa 36" My Size doll from 2014.She is a much more accurate sculpt to Elsa, than Aurora's My Size doll was to Aurora! (She was just dreadful!) But this one was pretty dead on and had so much potential! She came from the factory 'bland' and not that 'Elsa-like' but after I gave her a new faceup, she's so much prettier and more movie accurate! I love her!!! (Just wish she wore heels instead of ballet flats....)
Here's how she arrived from the factory:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... before.jpg

And after I gave her a makeover:

This is the Jakks Pacific Ice Queen Elsa & Me 19" doll from 2014. Her eyes are so lifelike in person, but I wish they were set a bit higher in her sockets, so she wouldn't look so vague and staring. Her hair is so soft! I also wish her skintone was paler, but she's a well made doll if you like youthful looking dolls. (These were made to compete with 'American' Girl' style dolls.)

This is the Disney Store Animators' Collection 16" Elsa Toddler doll from 2015. She so cute and SUPER well made, but since I'm not that into 'toddler' dolls, I decided she's going to be Elsa x Hans' little girl, 'Elise'! So I painted her eyes green---that she inherited from her daddy. :) Hee hee. I also French braided her hair because it was kind of dull and hard to see from the front. So that helped her, I think. :) Other than that, it's how she came from the factory.

For Christmas 2017, my sister made me a custom OOAK Disney Store Style Animators' Collection 16" Hans Toddler doll She did such an amazing job! She even carved his [vinyl] nose to be more pointed like Hans has!! :laughs: I love how she decorated the box, too!!! Love him! Thanks to my wonderful little sister!

This is the Mattel 16" Elsa Snow Glow Toddler doll from 2014. She's cute enough for a typical toddler doll. :) She glows and sings/talks when you press the gem on her necklace.

This is the Mattel 16" Elsa Regular Toddler doll from 2015. She's also pretty cute but I'm not really loving toddler/baby dolls!

This is aJakks Pacific 15" Northern Lights Toddler Elsa Doll from 2017. She's cute with 'reflective' eyes. I'm not a big Toddler doll fan but she seems well made.

The obligatoryJakks Pacific 11" Baby Elsa Doll from 2017. Cute enough for a baby doll, but ugh.....these 'baby' princesses are kind of....out there....

Here's JC Penney 15" Elsa Toddler doll from 2017. She's okay. Not bad, not great. Just all right.

This is aPrecious Moments 12" Ice Queen Elsa & custom OOAK Prince Hans Doll Set from 2015. Oh, PM dolls are too cute! I've always loved them, and was so disappointed when there wasn't a Hans doll! I bought Elsa, Anna, Rapunzel, Eugene, Kristoff, and....no Hans! So I set about making my own! He came out so cute! (Love his sideburns!)

Here is an Ice Queen Elsa 16" Singing Soft Bodied Doll with Vinyl Face from 2015. She's pretty nice---a little cross-eyed, but not too bad and she sings about 30 seconds of 'Let It Go' with you press her tummy.

And the matchingFrozen Fever Elsa 16" Singing Soft Bodied Doll with Vinyl Face from 2016. She sings about 30 seconds of 'Making Today a Perfect Day' with you press her tummy.

This is aMadame Alexander 18" Ice Queen Elsa Doll from 2016. She's horribly ugly again (I really do not bond nor like these M.A. dolls!) but to complete my set, I had to get her. She's got a soft body and vinyl extremities. Her eyes open/close. Nice outfit, ugly doll.

This is aJakks Pacific 10" Elsa Majestic Styling Head from 2014. She's pretty but needs a new faceup. I'll probably give her one soon!

This is aJustPlay 12" Elsa Styling Head from 2018. Cute/pretty in an odd way.

This is a12" Elsa Styling Head from the UK in 2017. Pretty!

And my own King Consort Hans 27" BJD doll from 2017. I sculpted his head and made his attire myself and I'm so in love with him!!!
For more photos and details on the making of him, click here:
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:10 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:41 am

Small Dolls:

This is a Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 5" Mini Doll Set from 2013. They are mini replicas of the 11" Classic dolls. I replaced Elsa's cape to be longer with snowflakes/fractals on it but other than that, they're as from the factory!


Here's theDisney Store Elsas & Prince Hans 4" Mini Doll Figures from 2013-2017. I repainted Hans & Coronation Elsa's faces. (The rest are factory minty) These are only nominally 'dolls' to me, but both Disney Store and Mattel name these things as 'dolls', so.....I must acquiesce. They are poseable and have some fabric clothing, so....I guess?


This is the competitionMattel Queen Elsas & Prince Hans 4" Mini Doll Figure Set from 2013. I retouched Elsa's face, and completely repainted Hans' face to look more like him. I wish Mattel had released a matching 12" Hans doll like this. (These little 4" mini dolls are tiny replicas of their 11-12" doll sculpts, so THIS is what their 12" Hans would've looked like if they had made one...[Edit: I found the prototypes for the 12" dolls! So I have him now!])

TheHasbro Little Kingdom Elsa 4" Mini Dolls Figure from 2017-2018. 5 different styles I put all in one box to save space. Cute little 'snap on dress' dolls!!

This is a Chinese Frozen Fever Elsa 5" Mini Doll from 2016. Cute, lightweight, hollow bodied. Big headed!

This is a Japanese Takara Talking/Singing Ice Queen Elsa 9"Doll from 2015. Nice! She speaks in Japanese!

The 2016 Elsa 6" Metal doll! Totally magnetic, and a good idea! The doll is on the metal tin case so the 'doll' becomes the carry case for the clothing/accessories! Neat!

Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:22 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:42 am

Large Figures:


This is one of my favorite Helsa pieces Custom OOAK Elsa x Hans 'Storybook' Jim Shore Statue. I have the Sleeping Beauty match of this, and my sis has the Tangled/Rapunzel. I knew there would NEVER (at least yet) be a Helsa Frozen storybook statue, so I set about to make it, with my sis' help. I bought a Cinderella Storybook statue and she carved off the skirt of Ella, the ankles of Henri's pants, plus took off both Ella & Henri's heads. From there, I resculpted the dress as it should be, added Elsa's cape, Hans' boots, and the cast and painted both their heads. :) I'm so so utterly happy with the outcome! It's even better than I imagined it to be!! :) Hope you like it, too!!


I also love this Elsa Couture de Force Enesco 8" Statue. She's so beautiful!! I retouched her faceup, and actually replicated this gown for my Designer Elsa doll! (See the 1/6 dolls above.)


I just made this custom Elsa Wedding Bride Couture de Force Enesco 8" Statue. I made her from a Wedding Ariel Couture de Force Wedding body (WHY did Ariel have this dress? Her wedding dress is NOTHING like it! It's like it was 'meant' for Elsa! At least how I envisioned her to be---it's almost EXACTLY how I imaged Elsa's gown to be, so I couldn't help but make her into Elsa!) and a custom made resin head I cast of Elsa. I replicated this gown from my 1/6 Elsa Wedding Dress doll! (See the 1/6 dolls above.) I'm really happy with how she came out!!! She looks so demure, a little shy, a little scared and yet so elegant!!! Hope you like her, too!!!


Here's a new 2016 Elsa Frozen Fever Couture de Force Enesco 8" Statue. She's so pretty, too! I love her pose!


Here's the 2015 Jim Shore Elsa Castle Skirt 7" Statue. It's kind of odd to have the princess' castle embedded in their skirt, but I like that they did this for ALL the princesses, too! So it's neat to see them all lined up. :)


And a 2016 Jim Shore Elsa Frozen Fever 8" Statue.Really cute and folksy!


A 2016 Jim Shore Elsa 'Personality Pose 4" Statue. Nice and cute face again! :) Love Jim Shore!


An Elsa Kohl's 5" Resin Figure from 2016. Pretty and cute!

This is a cute Enesco Dept 56 Elsa Ice Queen 6" Resin Trinket Box Figure from 2016. Her top half lifts off to reveal a small space for knick-knacks.


Another Elsa 5" Resin Figure with a Pumpkin! from 2016. For Halloween? 0_o

My Disney Parks Elsa 'Let it Go' 10" Statue from 2015. She is magnetically attached to her snowflake base! So nice and I got such a good deal on her!


This is a Hamilton Collection Elsa & Anna 9" Statue from 2015. My sister bought it for me for my birthday last year! 'A Sister's Love Warms the Heart'-----so true!!!!


Another Hamilton Collection Ice Queen Elsa 9" Statue from 2015. Lovely, iridescent colors and transparency but I think her head is too large.....

And the Hamilton Collection Coronation Elsa 9" Statue from 2016. Lovely pose, rare costume, and amazing colors but on this one, her face is so mean and cruel.....(To be honest, I think Hamilton Collection needs a new statue sculptor.)

This is a Hamilton Collection/Bradford Exchange Elsa 'Let It Go' Musical 5" Statue from 2015. Plays 'Let It Go' and lights up.


This is a different Enesco Jesters Elsa Ice Queen 7" Resin Bust Figure from 2014. Interesting design..... And very not well painted faceup!!! ^^;;


And the Enesco Jesters Elsa Frozen Fever 7" Resin Bust Figure from 2016. Cute snowgies!


The Disney Parks Ice Queen Elsa 15" Statue from 2016. She comes with a huge and heavy translucent blue snowflake base.


A lovely Elsa KMart 14" Stone Resin Garden/Welcome Statue from 2016.

A smaller Elsa KMart 10" Stone Resin 'Exquisite Elegance' Statue from 2017.

A gorgeous Elsa KMart 14" Stone Resin LED Light Up Snowflakes Statue from 2016.

A pretty Elsa Solar Light Up Garden 12" Stone Resin Statue from 2016.

Elsa 'Paint It Yourself' 6.5" Resin Statue from 2016. This is 'after' I painted her. Before, she's solid white resin. :)

The Enesco "Cinematic Moments" Ice Queen Elsa 10" Statue from 2016.


The Walt Disney Archives Ice Queen Elsa 13" Maquette Statue from 2014. She comes with a huge and heavy base. This is a replica of the exact statue sitting in the studios that the animators drew inspiration and sketched from while making the movie. She's gorgeous but I did touch up her face as it was a little bland and missing some paint and shading in areas. ^^


The Enesco Ice Queen Elsa 13" 'Enchanting' Statue from 2017.

AnIce Queen Elsa 14" Garden Statue from Spring 2018.

ABradford Exchange Ice Queen Elsa & Olaf 10" 'Personal Flurry' Statue from 2016. Looks NOTHING like the ad photos. Honestly, I don't know how BE gets away with it.

An Elsa Westland Gifts 7" Cold Cast Statue from 2017. This girl is HEAVY! Especially for her medium size!

Here's a shot of some of my Elsa statues together on a shelf:


Here's the first Elsa 7.5" Sketchbook ornament from Disney Store, 2014. She was originally only 5.5" but all my other Christmas princess sketchbook ornaments are 7.5" so I lengthened and remade her (and Anna and Merida's) skirt to match the rest of the girls on my tree! She's made of cold-cast resin, with a fabric skirt.


And the 2nd Elsa 5.5" Sketchbook ornament from Disney Store, 2015. She's cute!


The2016 Elsa 5.5" Sketchbook ornament from Disney Store. Love that they added her cape in translucent hues!


The2018 Elsa 5.5" Sketchbook ornament from Disney Store. Love that they added her cape. I didn't get the 2017 Elsa Sketchbook ornament because it's identical to the 2016 version.


And the2015 Disney Parks Elsa 5.5" Sketchbook ornament I like her skirt!


The2016 Frozen Fever Elsa 4.75" ornament from Disney Parks. Love that they added her cape in fabrics!


And a Disney Parks Elsa 6" Resin Ornament from 2015. She's unique in that she's creating 'icy' blasts over her head!


And the2018 Tokyo Disney Elsa 5" Keychain Figure Ornament Her face is so pretty


This Elsa 5.75" Porcelain Lenox Ornament figure from 2015. :) She's actually very nice for a porcelain figure! Quite a bit of detail in her face. Not perfect, but not bad at all!


This is an Elsa 5" blown Glass ornament from Hallmark, 2014. She's so fragile, but really so pretty! I think her head is too nice to be blown glass, so I think it's a resin head, with a blown glass body. :) Nice!


I was shocked to find this Elsa 18" Figural Bank at Walgreens! Her face sculpt was so pretty and she's soooooooooo tall! I totally repainted her face, cape and dress (it was sadly painted so I had to remedy that.) and now she's a real beauty and accurate representation of Elsa!


This is another Elsa 10" Paint-Your-Own Figural Bank found at Kohl's! She's not the most accurate looking sculpt, but she's pretty enough, large sized and was fun to paint! She came with all the paint/glitter/varnish needed! :)


A Deco Frenzy Elsa 10" Decorate-Your-Own Figural Bank! She came with non-edible frosting and gems to stick in it. 0-O Needless to say, I didn't frost her with any of it. She's fine as is. ^^;;


A super cute Elsa 6" SD style Design a Vinyl Figure 2017. Cute!

An even cute Elsa 6" SD style Design a Vinyl Figure 2016. Cute!Before & After Painting:

This is a simply gorgeous Elsa 7" Sega Chara Premium Prize Figure from Japan, 2015. The paint job and sculpt are just impeccable. Really, it can't get better than this! :) She's spectacular!


Another lovely Elsa 6" BanDai Zero Figuarts Figure from Japan, 2015. The paint job and is beautiful! She's a little more cutesy than the Sega Premium figure just above, but still really nice!


The Elsa 5" Loufah pouf with figure 2015. Interesting idea....:)


A cute Elsa 6" SD style Bath Toy Vinyl Figure 2015. So simple, it's adorable!


Here's an Elsa 6" Bath Wash Figure/Bottle 2015. Not really Elsa-like, but still funny cute!


I found this rare Hans 6" Chinese figure from 2014. He's pretty awful, and I couldn't find the matching Elsa (yet) but I grabbed both he and Kristoff when I saw them on auction.


AnElsa 5.75" 'Dive Character" PVC Figure from 2017. Weighted a bit, as you are meant to toss these in the swimming pool, then 'dive' for them. Comes in a set with Anna and Olaf, too. I paired her with the 6" Hans figure above....

This is a really really nice Ice Queen Elsa 5" & custom OOAK King Hans 5.5" Bullyland European Figure Set from 2014. They're extra large figures, from Germany, that are nicely sculpted and painted! Hans was never made (again) so I bought a Bullyland Prince Henri (Charming) and resculpted him and replaced his head, to make him Prince Hans! These are some of my fave figures, if not my faves!


And the matching Coronation Elsa 5" Bullyland European Figure from 2015. She's so detailed! Just look at her dress and cape! WOW!


And another matching Frozen Fever Elsa 5" Bullyland European Figure from 2016.


And another Olaf's Frozen Adventure Elsa 5" Bullyland European Figure from 2017.


This is a very nice Elsa 10" Vinyl Figure from Spain, 2015. It's similar to the Japanese figure but less detailed. Still a good sculpt and representation.


This is a huge Elsa Ice Queen 14" Night Light Singing Figure from 2016. You press a button on the front and her base lights up in snowflake patterns and she sings. However, it's NOT Elsa's real voice, but that AWFUL radio release version by Demi Lovato? (Who is she?!? A modern singer, I guess. I'm so out of the pop loop nowadays...) So, I'm glad that there's another button in the back which if you press, the lights come on but not the singing. :whew: I guess they knew it was terrible and ear-shattering. :)


A Chinese Lavalite Elsa Ice Queen 5" Nightlight Changing Lights Figure from 2016. Cute! You turn her on and her gown lights up, changing from blue to green to red to purple and back to blue.

And a JapaneseIce Queen Elsa Crystal 3D Puzzle 6" Statue from 2016. This is amazing! A 3 dimensional puzzle figure! Love it and was so easy to build!

An Elsa Chinese 5" ABS/PVC Figure from 2016. Large generic brand figure of Elsa. Decent, but missing a cape.... :?

AHasbro Elsa Play-Doh "Ice Castle" 5.5" ABS/PVC Figure from 2017. Pretty and much larger than I expected! Her cape is a 'stamper' for one to cut out shapes from play-doh.

A'Disney on Ice' Elsa 8" PVC Figure from 2015. Rare and hard to find. Only sold at 'Disney on Ice' ice shows.

This is the Elsa HotToys Cosbabies 6" Figure from Japan 2015. She's so chibi, so big headed (almost top heavy!), and super big eyed!

This is an Elsa OFA HotToys Cosbabies 6" Figure from Japan 2017. She's so chibi, so big headed (almost top heavy!), and super big eyed!

This is an Ice Queen Elsa Q Posket 5.5" Figure from Japan 2017. Cute! Comes in normal or pastel version. This is the pastel as the normal was too dark.

This is a Coronation Elsa Q Posket 5.5" Figure from Japan 2018. Cute! Comes in normal or pastel version. This is the normal.

AnIce Queen Elsa 7" German Figure from 2018.

TheIce Queen Elsa 8" VCD Japan Figure from 2016.

A super funDisney Store 2018 Elsa 6" Figural Pen . Really wordks! A little heavy in your hand and awkward but can't be gotten used to.

A 'Ralph Breaks the Internet'Target Exclusive Funko Rock Candy 2018 Elsa 5" Figure . Comfy Elsa!
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:33 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:42 am

Small Figures:


Here's a 2015 Disney Store D23 exclusive DecoPak Queen Elsa 4.5" Gum Paste Figure
This is a figure of Elsa made from sugar!!! :laughs: I sprayed her with a clear fixative so she would be preserved and I'm told gum paste figures will last almost indefinitely as long as you keep them in dry, places out of the sun. (Plus the varnishing helps. :) So....an edible figurine! (no longer edible as I sprayed her....)

A 2015Dept 53 Elsa 3" Resin Figure Storybook Village Figure
These were meant to be placed under your Christmas tree, by your train set/village set. Cute and pretty but I wish they made a Hans! :( (They have the Ice Palace, Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven and even OAKEN and his trading post!! wha?!?! Yet no Hans?!?!?)

Here's a Jim Shore Young Elsa in Nightgown 4.5" Resin Figure So cute and heavy stone resin! I think she's meant to stand with a Young Anna matching figure, reenacting the scene at the beginning of the film. "Do the magic!"

And an Enesco Young Elsa 4" Resin Figure Very demure and pretty!! I like this one a lot!

A Hamilton Collection Ice Queen Elsa Chibi Style 4" Statue from 2016. Cute toddler like dimensions.

A Hamilton Collection Coronation Elsa Chibi Style 4" Statue from 2016. Cute toddler like dimensions.


The Classic Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 4" PVC Figures from 2013. They're really nice for PVC figures and quite detailed. The Frozen 4" figures, like the Tangled 4" Figures from Disney Store, are smaller in scale than the other princess figure 4" sets.

The newer 2016 Disney Store Coronation Elsa & custom OOAK King Hans 4" PVC Figures I had to make King [Consort] Hans 4" figure to match Elsa's new 4" figure! :)

The new 2016 Disney Store Frozen Fever Elsa 4" Classic Figure
These are much larger than the regular Frozen 4" Classic Figures and can't be matched together---the scale is too different.

The newest 2017 Disney Store OFA Elsa 4" Classic Figure
These are also larger than the regular Frozen 4" Classic Figures and can't be matched together---the scale is too different.

And the 2016 Disney Store Young Girl Elsa 2.5" Classic Figure
So cute! She can match the original set of figures in scale/size.

The Teddy Bear Company Coronation Elsa 3.25" & custom OOAK King Hans 3.5" PVC Figures from 2014 I had to make King [Consort] Hans 3.5" figure to match Elsa's figure! :)

The Phidal Publishing Company Frozen Fever Elsa 1.25" & Prince Hans 1.5" PVC Figure Set from 2014 They came in a 'My Busy Books' book with play figures and playmat. :)

The Phidal Publishing Company Frozen Fever Elsa 3.5" & Prince Hans 4" PVC Figure Set from 2016 Elsa came in a 'My Busy Books' book with play figures and playmat. :)

The Phidal Publishing Company OFA Elsa 3.5" PVC Figure 2017 This Elsa came in a 'My Busy Books' OFA book with play figures and playmat. :)

The Zuru Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 3" Australian Zuru Prize PVC Figure Set from 2015
These are soooooooooooooooo nicely made and cute for their small size!!! I love them!

An Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 4" Chinese PVC Figure Set from 2014
Cute, but poorly made. I redid their faces (even replaced Hans' head--it was SO bad before), and gave Elsa a cape, which was missing. Now, they're halfway decent.

Another Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 4.5" Taiwanese PVC Figure Set from 2015
Again very poorly made and not accurate at all. But I haven't done anything with them...yet....

A Lego Style JLB Frozen Fever Elsa & Prince Hans 2" Figure Set from 2014
Cute and Lego style! From China!

A LOZ Diamond Block Elsa 3" Figure from 2017
The blocks are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tiny! I could barely hold the pieces because of my nails!!! She's comprised of 280 blocks. :cries: But I FINALLY got it done.....

The Zaini Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 1.25" European Candy Prize ABS Figure Set from 2014
These are soooooooooooooooo tiny!!!!!! I love them! I put them in a Disney Store Ice Palace Figure playset I had! Now, they're almost the right scale for it!! (Not quite yet, but...hey, it's closer than the 4" dolls that came with the palace!!)

The matching Zaini Coronation Elsa 1.25" European Candy Prize ABS Figure from 2014
Pretty detailed for being just over an inch tall! The bed is from the Disney Store Animators' Collection Micro Set but it suited this figure better, so I gave it to her. :)

An adorable Good Smile Co Nendoroid Ice Queen Elsa 4" PVC Figure from 2015.
She came with 2 heads and various hands to switch out, plus a large snowflake base stand. Really cute and SD! Kawaii!!!!

A cute Ice Queen Elsa 4" Vinyl Bathtoy Figure from 2015.
So precious and sweet! She's got a real anime look to her...

Here's the Funko Pop! Ice Queen Elsa 4" Figure from 2014
Just.....weird. So odd....

Here's the Funko Pop! Frozen Fever Elsa 4" Figure from 2016
Comes with 3 snowgies.... :)

And the Funko Pop! Coronation Queen Elsa 4" Figure from 2015
Still weird...but I like her dress. :)

And another Funko Pop! Young Princess Elsa 3.5" Figure from 2015
And odder still...and now even littler....Wow....Frozen gets so many variations.....

Here's the Funko Pop!Mini Ice Queen Elsa 2" Figure from 2014
Again, too weird. These are not the 'so ugly, they're cute' type of thing. These things are just plain ugly.... ^^;;

Here's the Funko Mystery Minis Ice Queen Elsa 2.5" Figure from 2015
Pretty cute! At least they have faces! Again, Japanese anime-like figure.

Here's the Funko Mystery Minis Coronation Elsa 2.5" Figure from 2015
Pretty! Love her Sceptre & Orb!

The Funko Mini Ice Queen Singing Elsa 3.5" Figure from 2015
So cute! Much cuter than the weird Funko Pop! figures...She looks like she wants to fly!

And the Funko Mini Young Elsa 2.5" Figure from 2015. Very cute little Elsa!

Finally, the Funko Mini Young Elsa Magic 2.5" Figure from 2015. Very cute little Elsa doing her magic!

Here's a newest Funko Mini Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Figure from 2016
So cute! These are adorable!

Here's a 2015 Fashem Mashems Ice Queen Elsa 2" Figure from 2015
These are squishy rubbery figures.....Kinda cute....sort of....

Here are the 2015 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 3.5" Vinylmation Figures
I think these things are also extremely odd, but hey, they're Elsa & Hans, so I had to buy them. However, they came really plain, with 'dots' for eyes, so I redid them with new faceups to match the Tangled and Sleeping Beauty Vinylmation figures we own.
Here is a picture of how they arrive from factory:
http://www.setsunakou.com/misc/helsacol ... mation.jpg
And after they received new faceups!

And the 2016 Disney Store Coronation Queen Elsa 3.5" Vinylmation Figure At least she came with a decent faceup!

Here's a 2016 Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Keyring
Pretty and dainty!

Here's a 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 3" SD Figure Keychain from Japan
Cute and so Japanese styled! Well made and painted!

And a 2014 Ice Queen Elsa 1.25" SD Figure Cell Phone Strap from Japan
Cute and so Japanese styled! Given out as prizes to those attending the premiere showings of 'Frozen' in Japan.

Here's a 2015 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 2.5" Clock Tower Figure
A replica figure of the wooden clock tower figure/dolls that Elsa surprised Anna with towards the end of Frozen Fever.

Here's a 2015 Hasbro Play-Doh Ice Queen Elsa 4" Figure
Nice and pretty---with an odd skirt you're meant to cover in play-doh. 0_o There are also little playdoh mold shapes underneath her skirt---snowflakes and her tiara shape.

Here's a 2018 Hasbro Play-Doh 'Magical Fountain' Ice Queen Elsa 4" Figure

Here's a 2014 [b Ice Queen Elsa 4" Candy Dispenser Talking Figure[/b]
Rare and full scaled figure on a talking base! She says 'I'm in total control' or 'Love will thaw! Love!'

And a 2017 Disney Store Light up Elsa 4" Clip On Figure
Made of ABS Plastic.

A 2017 D23 Exclusive Disney Store Elsa Wooden DolL Figure
Made of wood, approx 4.5" tall. Only sold at the D23 convention in 2017.

Here's a 2014 Jakks Pacific Toddler Elsa Mini 3" Figure
I'm not a big fan of realistic looking toddler dolls. Honestly, if the package didn't say 'Frozen/Elsa', no one would ever recognize this as Elsa! :laughs:

Here's a 2015 Jakks Pacific Toddler Frozen Fever Elsa Mini 3" Figure
Much nicer than the Ice Queen version shown above! It actually could be Elsa!

Here's a 2016 Jakks Pacific Toddler Young Elsa Mini 3" Figure
It actually looks like Young Elsa! Yay! A toddler figure of when she was actually a toddler!

Here's a 2018 Jakks Pacific Toddler Ice Queen Elsa Mini 3" Figure
Finally! It's cutesy, but at least it looks like Elsa! Unlike the original 2014 version....

Next up is a 2014 Disney Infinity Elsa 4" Game Power Figure
Really nice stylization and design! You put this figure on the board that came with the Infinity set and she'll appear as a playable character on the video game. :) Aside from that nifty trick, she's a well made and lovely Elsa figure!!!

This is a 2016 Disney Parks Ice Queen Elsa Clip 4" Figure
She's similar to the Mattel 'MagiClip' style of action figure. Sturdy, but nothing really exceptional or remarkable.

Also 2016 Jakks Pacific Ice Queen Elsa & Coronation Elsa 3.5" Little Kingdom Makeup Cosmetic Figures
I don't know how two different companies (Hasbro & Jakks Pacific) can release slightly different figures under the same name 'Little Kingdom' and using the same artwork? But it's being done. :) This is now the Jakks Pacific version of the "Little Kingdom" Disney Princess figures, but their schtick is that the figures' skirts are full of some kind of cosmetic/makeup. (Nail polish, lip gloss--okay, but.....body glitter? Hair paint? Huh? Seems like a mom's worse nightmare....) But the figures themselves are so cute!

Here's a rare 2015 Frozen Rotating Carousel with custom Prince Hans Figure added on
So cute! You wind it up and it plays "Let It Go" while it spins, like a real carousel---only it's so small!! The whole thing is only about 5-6" tall, and each little character is about 1" tall!!! It was hard to make Hans, but I had to! After all, Sitron was there and he had to ride him!!! :) (Not Olaf!) I took Olaf off Sitron and put him behind Sven. :) Much better now!

And an Elsa 4.5" Pez Dispenser Figure
No collection could be complete without the Pez dispenser! :laughs: It's actually very well painted and sculpted....

A little wobbly Elsa 2.5" Bobble SD Figure Keychain
I think these are meant to be counterparts to the 2013 Disney Princess Tomy Bobble keychain figures but are fakes? Either way, she's kind of cute!

A custom OOAK Ice Queen Elsa 2.5" Zazzles Figure
They stopped making these in 2010 so I had to make custom figures of Rapunzel, Merida, Anna and Elsa. :) They're too pretty and cute at once! I love 'em!

This is a Ice Queen Elsa 3" Figure Very pretty!! Not sure what brand she is, though...

Here's a 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Figural Keychain
Adorably cute and simple! Heavy and made of rubber! Solid!

And the 2016 Coronation Elsa 3.5" Figural Keychain
So pretty for being so chibi!

This is a set from China of Hans, Ice Queen Elsa and Coronation Elsa 2.75" Figures from 2016. I like these!! :) (Particularly because they included Hans!)

This is an Disney Store Frozen Fever Elsa 2.75" 'Tsum Vehicle' Die Cast Figure from 2016. Really odd. Cute, but weird. ^^;;

This is an Ice Queen Elsa 2.25" Large Vinyl Tsum Figure from 2016.

Then the Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 1.25" Medium Vinyl Tsum Figures from 2017.

AVariant Prince Hans 1.25" Medium Vinyl Tsum Figure from the UK 2016.

Finally Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 0.75" Small Vinyl Tsum Figures from 2017.

This is an Ice Queen Elsa 2" Tsum Tsum Lip Smacker Figure from 2017.

This is a set of 3 Ice Queen Elsa 1.75" Emoji Face Figures from 2017.

The new Disney Store Animators' Collection Micro Elsa 1" Figure & Accessories from 2017. Adorable! So tiny!

The new Disney Store Animators' Collection Micro Elsa 3" Figure from 2017. Adorable!

AnIce Queen Elsa 1.75" Figure Eraser from 2017.

AnotherIce Queen Elsa 2" Figure Eraser from 2016.

AnIce Queen Elsa 4" 'Little Lights' Figure from 2016. A mini flashlight keychain!

One of my favorites!Tomy Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 2.75" Buildable Figures and Coloring Pages from 2015. Ultra rare! Only sold in Australia, UK and NZ! I was only able to obtain through our very own kd_bunchanumbers-san! Thanks, John-san!!!!! :hugs:

AnIce Queen Elsa 1.5" Figure by Finders Keepers (Chocolate with a toy) from 2017.

AnotherIce Queen Elsa 2" Figure by Furuto Japan (Chocolate with a toy) from 2017.

AIce Queen Elsa 3" Figure from Italy from 2017. Cute with skirt and came with a deck of 'Trumps' cards! (Also entirely in Italian)

AIce Queen Elsa 2.25" Figure by Kinder Italy from 2017. Cute with fabric cape!

AFrozen Fever Queen Elsa 2.25" Figure by Kinder Italy from 2018. Cute with fabric cape!

AToddler Elsa 2" Figure by Kinder Italy from 2017.

ADecoPac 2018 Signature Ice Queen Elsa 4" Cake Topper Figure with Light UP Base

Atiny Ice Queen Elsa 1" Figure from 2017.

AVinyl bust of Ice Queen Elsa 4" Chinese Figure from 2018.

Asmall ce Queen Elsa 2" Hasbro Jenga Figure & Castle from 2018.

ADorbz Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Figure from 2018.

AnIce Queen Elsa 3" Figure by BanPresto Japan World Chara Collection from 2018.

AnIce Queen Elsa 3.5" Eggstars Figure by BanDai Japan from 2016.

Ice Queen Elsa, Coronation Elsa and Custom OOAK Hans 1" Doorables Figures from 2018.

Ice Queen Elsa, Coronation Elsa, and Hans 3.25" Sweetbox Figures from Russia from 2017.

Coronation Elsa and Hans 1.25" Rollinz Figures from Hungary from 2016.

Ice Queen Elsa, Coronation Elsa and Hans 2" Ooshies Figures from UK/Australia from 2017.

An Ice Queen Elsa 3.75" UDF Medicom Figure from Japan from 2015.

An Ralph Breaks the Internt 'Mystery Power Pac' Comfy Elsa 3" Figure from Japan from 2018.


Here's a 2015 Hallmark Decoupage Ice Queen Elsa 4" Ornament
Light and airy!

A 2018 Hallmark Decoupage Target Exclusive OFA Elsa 4" Ornament
Light and airy!

Here's a 2015 Hallmark Itty Bittys Ice Queen Elsa 3" Ornament
Lighter and airier!

Here's a gorgeous 2015 Hallmark Keepsake Ice Queen Elsa 4.5" Singing Ornament
I LOVE this! It really captures movement and is so well sculpted! She plays 'Let It Go' when you press a button---really loudly. Wow! It's amazing how loud this little thing is! One of my favorite figures!

Here's a 2015 Hallmark Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Pretty!

And a 2014 Hallmark Ice Queen Elsa 3.75" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin on a snowflake base. Really elegant and lovely pose.

Here's a 2015 Hallmark Frozen Fever Elsa 3.5" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Really elegant and lovely pose---identical to the Ice Queen pose above.

Here's a 2015 Hallmark Coronation Elsa 3.5" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Really elegant and lovely pose---identical to the Ice Queen AND Frozen Fever pose above. (They must love this pose, luckily, I do, too!)

Here's a 2016Hallmark Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin.

Here's a 2017 Hallmark OFA Elsa 3.5" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Love her new Christmas gown!

Here's a 2017 Hallmark Keepsake Coronation Elsa 3.5" Ornament with fabric cape
Made of abs plastic, so it's really light.

Here's a gorgeous 2018 Hallmark Keepsake Ice Queen Elsa 4.5" Ornament
So pretty and accurate!

Here's a 2015 Disney Store Frozen Fever Elsa Sketchbook 4.25" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Really heavy and large for an ornament!

And the 2017 Disney Store OFA Elsa & Olaf Sketchbook 4" Ornament
Made of cold cast resin. Really heavy and large for an ornament!

Here's a 2014 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa Singing Sketchbook Ornament with custom King Hans Figure added on
A really pretty ornament, with a clear acrylic holographic 'ice balcony', and Elsa singing 'Let it Go'. My wonderful sister added a custom Hans to make it especially perfect for me! I love it!

And the 2017 Disney Store OFA Elsa & Anna Singing Sketchbook 4" Ornament
Made of ABS Plastic. It's so lovely and plays [loudly] a portion of 'When We're Together'.

A 2015 Disney Store Elsa 3" Resin Figure Jingle Bell Ornament
Strange that she has a jingle bell for the lower half of her body but...eh...:)

A rare August 2015 Disney D23 Exclusive Elsa 4" Resin Figure Ornament
Exclusive to only 600 worldwide and only sold at the D23 event in CA back in Aug 2015. Finally got a set!! :)

A Hamilton Collection Elsa & Shoe 'Once Upon a Slipper' 3" Ornament from 2017. Beautiful! Made of resin and is translucent!! NICE!

A 2018 Hallmark Keepsake Elsa 2.75" Wooden Figure Ornament
Her back half is flat.
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 3:50 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:43 am

Plush Dolls:

The Disney Store 2013 Ice Queen Elsa & custom OOAK King Hans 21" Plush Dolls
My sister made me a wonderful gift a couple birthdays' ago, in 2014! A King Hans matching plush for my Elsa plushie! She even made his incredibly difficult but really gorgeous Arendelle cloak!! I love him!

The Disney Store 2014 Coronation Elsa 21" Plush Doll
She originally came with a fur trimmed hood/cloak but I prefer her without it---more accurate. I might make her a purple long cape sometime, though! :)

The Disney Store 2015 Frozen Fever Elsa 21" Plush Doll
Springlike and floral!

The Disney Store 2017 OFA Elsa 21" Plush Doll
Christmas Elsa! Now without embroidered eyes! I think I like it better! (More accurate)

The Disney Store 2018 Ice Queen Elsa 21" Plush Doll
Now without embroidered eyes! I like it better! (More accurate)

The Disney Store 2018 Vers 2 Ice Queen Elsa 21" Plush Doll
Now WITH embroidered eyes! I don't like it better! But due to a lot of buyers complaining they preferred Disney Store plush with embroidered features.....DS caved and went back to making their plush dolls with embroidered eyes. :sighs: I mean, sure, it's quality, but....the printed eyes were so much prettier....

The JC Penney 2017 OFA Elsa 19" Plush Doll
Christmas Elsa with embroidered eyes. (Prettier without the embroidered eyes, I think)

The Disney Store 2014 Toddler Elsa 13" Plush Doll
Adorable! (Though the matching Anna Toddler plush is so much cuter....)

The Frozen Fever Elsa Easter Basket 21" Plush Doll Greeter from 2016
I love the cute basket she's holding and her bottom is entirely stiff and hard----she's a greeter! :)

A 2014 Ice Queen Elsa 36" Plush Doll
Huge! She originally had really awful, nonexistent hair, so I added a lot of tufts and waves to give it more 'body'

A 2015 Frozen Fever Queen Elsa 36" Plush Doll
Huge! Soft and plush!

A 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 7" Plush Doll
So tiny and still proportionate. A cute small plush.

A 2016 Frozen Fever Elsa 7" Plush Doll
So tiny and still proportionate. A cute small plush.

A 2017 OFA Elsa 7" Plush Doll
So tiny and still proportionate. A cute small plush.

A 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 15" Plush Doll by Northwest

A 2017 Ice Queen Elsa 17" BackPack Plush Doll Cute idea but the 'pack' part is miniscule! Maybe fit a couple lipbalms or pocket items---definitely no books or schoolwork!

A 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 20" Blanket Plush Doll Came with a blanket originally.

A 2016 Ice Queen Elsa 24" Large Plush Doll

A 2017 Ice Queen Elsa 28" Large Plush Doll

A 2017 Ice Queen Elsa 6" Beanies Plush Doll
Again, with dots for eyes and beans in her bottom!

A 2015 Takara Tomy Ice Queen Elsa 6" Beanie Plush Doll from Japan
She's well made, but she doesn't really look like Elsa at all. I'm surprised she's a Japanese item because usually they make really accurate looking character merchandise. ^^;;

For my birthday 2018, my sis made me a custom Hallmark Itty Itty Bittys Prince Hans 3.5" Plush Doll Keychain/strap He's so perfect! When she presented him to me, I thought he was real (or at least semi-real made from an existing item)! But she made him from scratch!!! 0_o WOW! So cute!!!!

A 2015 Hallmark Itty Bittys Ice Queen Elsa 5" Plush Doll
Cute! She almost looks like a Peanuts character here....

A 2016 Hallmark Itty Bittys Ice Queen Elsa 8" Plush Bag/Purse
Cute! Just her face! Zip up top!

A 2017 Hallmark Itty Biggies Ice Queen Elsa 10" Plush Doll
BIG version! She almost looks like a Peanuts character here....

A 2017 Hallmark Keepsake Ice Queen Elsa 4" Plush Doll Ornament I guess they believe in less is more...

A 2015 Target Exclusive Hallmark Keepsake Ice Queen Elsa 3.5" Felt Plush Doll Ornament Flat and felty!

A 2014 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 3" Fingerpuppet Plush Doll
Really tiny....a fingerpuppet with dots for eyes. :)

A 2015 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 4" Mini Plush Doll Ornament
A plush ornament from Disney Store, with dots for eyes.....

A pair of 2014 Ice Queen Elsa Slippers
Really cute and so comfy!

A 2015 Ice Queen Elsa 15" BackPack Plush Doll
This was advertised as a backpack but the pouch in her back is only about 3" x 2" in size. So.....more like a coin purse backpack? :laughs: She's really ugly but almost so ugly, she's cute. Anyway, she's different!!!!

A 2016 Ice Queen Elsa 7" Plush Clip On Proportionate Elsa clip plush!

A 2016 Ice Queen Elsa 12" Do It Yourself Sewing Fun Felt Plush She came in a box kit. I sewed her by hand with a giant needle and floss thread as instructed. It would've been neater and faster by machine but I wanted to do it how it said in the booklet. 0-o Took a couple hours. It worked out okay but the felt she's made of is too thin and it 'burst' around her waist when I stuffed her lightly and I had to repair. So I recommend sewing tighter or deeper than specified, in that section at least. Also, I gave her neck definition as it wasn't there as-is.

A 2015 Disney Store Japan Toddler Elsa 6" Mini Plush Doll

A 2016 Disney Store Animators' Collection Toddler Elsa 13" Plush Doll
Cute with a button nose!

A 2017 Funko Ice Queen Elsa 9" Chibi Plush Cute!

A 2017 Emoji Ice Queen Elsa 7" Face Plush Cute throw pillow plush!

A 2017 Disney Store Mini Emoji Ice Queen Elsa 3" Face Plush Clip On Cute reversible faces!

A 2015 Hallmark Elsa 3" Fluffball Plush Ornament Weird, but cute somehow! I think she's supposed to look like an emoji....

A 2016 Disney Parks Ice Queen Elsa 8" Ragdoll Plush Cute, with yarn hair. These remind me of 'Peanuts'....

A 2016 Disney Parks Baby Elsa 12" Plush Awww!

A 2016 Disney Parks Ice Queen Elsa 15" Reversible Plush She's like the Aurora/Ariel reversible plush, but this time it's Elsa/Anna reversible. Once again, I cut out Anna, and gave both her and Elsa real legs. Then I gave the Anna side to my sister! Two full plushes out of one weird reversible one!

A 2016 Israeli Ice Queen Elsa 7" Plush Cute!

A 2014 Japan Sega Prize Ice Queen Elsa 4" Plush Keychain So Cute!

A 2014 Japan Sega Prize Ice Queen Elsa 'Button Hands' 4" Plush Super Cute!

A 2015 Japan Sega Prize Ice Queen Elsa 4" Plush So Cute!

A 2016 Japan Sega Prize Frozen Fever Elsa 4" Plush So Cute!

A 2014 Japan Sega Prize Ice Queen Elsa 6" Plush So Cute!

A 2015 Japan Sega Prize Coronation Elsa 6" Plush So Cute!

A 2016 Sega Tomy Japan Talking Ice Queen Elsa 13" Plush She talks in Japanese! Sings, too!

A 2016 Disney Store Japan Ice Queen Elsa Sleepy 5" Plush Adorable!

A 2016 Disney Takara Japan Ice Queen Elsa Suyasuya 9" Sleeping Plush Adorable!

A 2017 Japan Crystal Season Amusement Ice Queen Elsa 4" Plush Funny!

A 2017 Japan UFO Prize Ice Queen Elsa 4" Big Eyed Plush Alien-like face....

A 2017 Ice Queen Elsa 15" Hong Kong Plush So Cute and big! One of my fav 'Chibi' style Elsa plushies!

A 2018 Japan UFO Prize Ice Queen Elsa 15" Plush So Cute and big!

A 2018 Japan UFO Prize Ice Queen Elsa 4" Plush So Cute!

A 2018 Japan Ice Queen Elsa 5" Chokkori Plush Funny and cute

A 2017 Japan Tokyo Disney "Frozen Fantasy" Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans 5.5" Plush Set I love them! Especially how they included Hans and so adorably sweet, too!! Look at his quirky brow and smirk!!

A 2018 UK OFA Queen Elsa 12" Plush So Cute!

A 2016 Takara Tomy Japan Queen Elsa 13" Talking Singing Plush So Cute!

A 2016 Ice Queen Elsa 4" Inkoos Pillow Plush Toy Comes blank and you're meant to 'color' her in with included markers. ^^;;

A 2017 Disney Elsa 4" Plush Loofah From Walmart!

A Cube Elsa 4" Plush Doll
Really odd...but cute! Found her at Wal-Mart!

A 2015 set of Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa & Prince Hans & custom OOAK Sitron 3.5" Tsum Tsums
Japan inspired beanie simple tiny stackable plushies. (Tsum tsum = stack stack) My sis made Sitron for me as a surprise gift! So perfect!!!

A 2016 Disney Store Frozen Fever Elsa & Snowgie 3.5" Tsum Tsum Plushes
Frozen Fever version only came in a box set with an Olaf big Carry case.

A 2017 Disney Store OFA Elsa 2" Micro Tsum Tsum Plush
So TINY! Micro Tsums!

A 2016 Disney Tsum Tsum Elsa 6" Plush Purse Awww!

A 2016 Disney Store Ice Queen Elsa 7.5" Musical Tsum Tsum Plush Toy Cute! Press her foot and it plays a bar or two of 'Let It Go' music box style sounds!

A 2016 Jakks Pacific Ice Queen Elsa 4" Chattering Tsum Tsum Plush Toy Cute! Press her foot and she chatters like a mouse and her cheeks light up red!
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:59 pm, edited 18 times in total.
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:43 am


Here we have the 2015 Disney Store Designer Fairytale Elsa & Hans Mug It's so pretty with gold handle but I do wish they would've stayed with the same shape as the other Designer mugs from previous years. Now, it doesn't 'quite' match with my other designer mugs! Ah well!

Here we have the 2014 Disney Store Large Elsa Purple Mug I love this so much! I use it every day for my after dinner coffee! It's so pretty, functional and durable!!! PERFECT!

Here we have the 2015 Disney Store Large Elsa Latte Mug So pretty! I love the near-monochrome sketchy coloring!

Next up is a 2015 Large Elsa Mug Very vibrant and colorful!

And the new 2016 Disney Store Jumbo Elsa Latte Mug This thing is HUGE!!!! If I thought my 16oz purple Elsa DS mug was big.....this one is a MONSTER!! WHOA! What's it for?!?!? But the new artwork is pretty!!!

This is a 2018 Large Elsa Enesco Japan Artwork Mug Large sized! Nice! Real heavy.

This is a2013 Disney Store Elsa Small Dinner Plate
It's so cute and pretty! It's lightweight because it's plastic, but I like how it's translucent--like blue ice!

This is a2014 Elsa & Anna Ceramic Small Dinner Plate & Bowl
It's heavy duty, durable and a real ceramic plate! I just wish it was bigger....Now, the bowl is HUGE! That's more like it!

This is a2015 Elsa & Anna Ceramic Small Dinner Plate & Bowl
It's heavy duty, durable and a real ceramic plate and huge bowl! New graphics than last years version. My sister uses this set and I use the other.

Aww, it's so cute! A 2015 Elsa & Anna & Olaf Ceramic Salt & Pepper Shaker Set
'Do you wanna build a snowman?' They have magnets to keep them all together when not in use.

This is a2015 Disney Store Elsa & Anna Placemat
It's absolutely beautiful, large, and featured Anna in her Coronation dress (which I consider her true princess gown) so I bought four of them for our table. However, after 1 day, the paint chipped off Olaf's face, then Anna's skirt, then more and more, until they look horribly defaced. After just a few days! The problem is that Disney painted the picture on the TOP of the mat, and not underneath! So the paint chips easily! :( Very disappointed with the quality of these. Beautiful, but not for real use.

This is a 2016 Elsa Juice Sip Good2Grow Bottle I bought it at the grocery store with apple juice in it. It's hard to drink from, actually. The beverage won't come out! How do kids do it?! :laughs: But cute idea. :)

This is a 2018 Coronation Elsa Juice Sip Good2Grow Bottle Lid

This is a 2016/2017 Elsa Volvic Water Bottle from UK

This is a 2015 Elsa Hot Cocoa Packet/Box The box of the hot cocoa powder was too pretty to discard! :) It's like a little tall gift box, so I kept it to display.

Another 2015 Large Elsa Glass Tumbler Large 16oz sized with 3.5" diameter! Nice! Real heavy glassware.

A 2015 Arribas Brothers Small Elsa Etched Glass Juice Tumbler from Disney Parks

A 2016 Ice Queen Elsa Kellogg's Spoon Figure

A 2014 Ice Queen Elsa Toast Stamper Also works as a cookie cutter!

A 2018 Custom Hans Cookie Cutter Need to get a custom Elsa cutter to match in size....
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:12 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Iz dolliehs Here
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Re: Queen Elsa & Prince Hans Frozen/The Snow Queen Collectio

Postby SetsunaKou » Sun May 15, 2016 6:44 am

More items on the next page.......
Last edited by SetsunaKou on Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:27 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Iz dolliehs Here
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