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Hello World!

Postby TourneSol » Fri Jul 22, 2016 10:30 am

Hi everyone! My name is Lex. I am a 19 year old from the east coast! I've been interested in BJDs since I was around 15 or so but my parents weren't really into the idea so they wouldn't fund the venture.

I'm an adult now and have finally moved out so I decided now was the time! I currently have a Dollzone Feilian-3 on layaway with MOC and found a ResinSoul Mei secondhand.

I guess when I decide to do something... I commit :D

The only thing is Mei is super floppy and naked. I guess the best thing is to restring her but those tutorials always look daunting :shock: As far as clothing what are some good shops for both Dollzone and Resinsoul? Is there any possibility of them being able to share clothing or shoes?
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Dark Angel » Fri Jul 22, 2016 4:58 pm

Hi Lex! Welcome to the board!

Don't be afraid of restringing. It's actually not as complicated as it looks. (Just requires some strong fingers and a LOT of patience!)

Hmm... back in the day (about 5 years ago) I had a Dollzone doll and a Resinsoul doll. They were fairly similar in size, if I remember correctly. Although I had the "immature" Resinsoul body which was a bit bulkier than the more mature body. But I found that most MSD or 1/4 sized dolls can wear a lot of the same clothes, sometimes its a little tighter or looser. I never minded that.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby ShortNCuddlyAm » Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:33 pm


I'd recommend haemostats as well to help with restringing - they're cheap and make it easier on your fingers!

Clothes wise, what Dark Angel said. IIRC you'll get a better fit if you go for clothes labelled for slim msd. My Ya (the human eared version of Mei) is wearing a top and leggings I got from Alice Collections, and my Yao hybrid (the single jointed arms and torso from Ya, plus hoofed legs) is wearing an Azone sleeveless shirt and shift intended for the 48/50cm Obitsu body - it's a little baggy but not in a way that makes it look like it's the wrong size.
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Re: Hello World!

Postby TourneSol » Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:20 pm

Ahh! Thank you for the replies guys!

I don't know, I feel like you guys might just be telling me it's easy so I get sucked in :lol: Thank you! I think I'll have to take the venture, my Mei is terribly floppy and I think it's keeping her from really talking to me. I loooove her face and her body, she just is like a little skeleton flopping everywhere hahaha.

Hmm good to know that they might be able to share. At least that way if I get a piece and don't like it on one I can possibly keep it for the other!

I also think I might take on doing a faceup tomorrow, I have off work and am into painting and doing Magic The Gathering card alters so I have the high quality acrylics and sealants on hand. Is MSC still the go to? I remember when I first looked into BJDs it was, but who knows how things have changed since I've gotten old :cry:
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Re: Hello World!

Postby Dark Angel » Sun Jul 24, 2016 7:01 pm

Yes, MSC is still fine.

When/if you restring her, try and get the thickest elastic that you can. (That will still fit, doubled-up, through her joints) It helps them pose. Also, hot-glue sueding and wiring help too. :)
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