Granado just re-release Pluto.... I er.... have a young man(plushie critter dude if you like) by the name of Eric waving an application form at me and going about how his parents (Jack and Helen) have green lighted his crossing over(they claim they were only testing wine glass props and not over drinking)
For the moment Eric hasn't done like Kula or Jack did in terms of jumping into a sculpt and not leaving. But he's making himself heard very loudly. I am amused that the sculpts he chosen are pretty much Jack's backup/alt sculpts. I don't know how long he'll be waving his application form about, other than I'm kinda waiting for AFA to see if Helen can counter his choice sculpt of Smart doll Eiji if and when Smart Dolls come over for display.
Oh and Foxy-kun my fox plushie is annoyed that Eric joined the "I want to be a dollieh too!" bandwagon