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Tame Barbie frizzies with dish soap

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Tame Barbie frizzies with dish soap

Postby DollyKim » Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:31 am

Just that, tame frizzy Barbie hair with dish soap. I rubbed some in to a doll from the 90s, let it sit a little while, rinsed it out with cold water, combed and basically styled while wet. This morning her hair is much more manageable.

Personally I used diluted blue Dawn but I don't see why any liquid dish soap shouldn't work.
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Re: Tame Barbie frizzies with dish soap

Postby WhiteDove01s » Sun May 31, 2020 10:58 am

This is usually the first thing I do with any "new" (secondhand) dolls I get. I sometimes follow up with fabric softener as a conditioner... the way I see it, it's meant for synthetic fibers so is better than using human hair conditioner but can be a big help when there's a lot of tangling to deal with.
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Re: Tame Barbie frizzies with dish soap

Postby mollym » Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:48 pm

Yeah, I have used dish soap too! Sometimes I use laundry detergent, it just depends on how thick the hair may be. We never know where second hand dolls may have been, so it's best to clean them up when we bring them home. Dolls with a history with children can have about anything and everything in their hair. I agree with you, WhiteDove01s, products made from synthetic fibers are no where near human hair, and do better with chemically appropriate products. I mean, people can do whatever they like with their own belongings, but I know for sure that shampoo and conditioner leave behind residue that can become a dust magnet or even go rancid with time. I don't care how cheap a doll may be, if I like it, I want to keep it as nice as possible!
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