by The Monkey That Sees » Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:27 pm
I'm looking for info on Withdoll. What do you folks think? I'm looking for a manlier MSD and I'm thinking about saving for a withdoll or a narin boy.
Are you thinking of the new guy? He looks pretty manly to me. I don't really think of Narin as being all that manly, though. AoD Chen is pretty mature-looking.
I agree with Cirquemom about the AoD Chen, he does look very mature, and the body is definitely a mature male.
Have you looked at the Fairyland Chicline? You have to go to their "A la Carte" section to order them. Also check out Iplehouse JID line. Go to the "custom doll system" to order.
It's all about Hazel!
"Space.... the Vinyl Frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Obitsurprise. Her 1/3rd scale mission: To seek out new plotlines, to explore the Whole Apartment - To Ball-Jointedly go where no doll has gone before!" -- Swan
There's also Souldoll's Vito line, which are super manly hunks XD though they are a little large for MSDs (they are REALLY small SDs. A very in-between size!)
I had an AoD body, but I hated the way it posed/looked when it was posing. The joints were all square and blocky. And I didn't like the hands at all, they looked like clams. xD
There is a comparison of posing ability and whatnot about the withdoll bodies...I'm gonna see if I can find it for you~
I think that the phrase "Manly" and "MSD" are almost mutually exclusive
That said, the manliest body you can get is the (expensive) Fairyland Minifee a-la-carte ripped Action Line one. Can't be beaten for sheer oozing manliness. Unfortunately all their boys are so girly looking