Link to Chapter 3: Bedtime for Bonnie:
One afternoon in The Big House~
Bonnie: Uncle Umka, I'm bored. What are you doing?
Umka: Looking for swag.
Bonnie: What's a "swag"?
Umka: It's what is in a junkyspot box.
Bonnie: What's a "junkyspot" box?
Umka: Well, generally it's a mode of transportation for newcomers.
Bonnie: What?
Umka: Never mind...
Bonnie: What's that paper?
Umka: Dear Cirquemom. thanks for your order, blah blah blah....
Umka: And the swag should be........
Bonnie: Eyeballs??? Ick...
Umka: And.....junkyspot hat!
Gunj: What are you guys doing?
Bonnie: Uncle Umka is getting some swig.
Umka: Swag.
Gunj: Isn't that Cirquemom's?
Umka: Hey...she left it here, so....
Umka: Okay, where's the good stuff.....
Umka: Here we go! Into the good stuff now! Candy necklace!
Bonnie: MINE!!!!!