Cuz we need one of these, too . . . . . what sucks for me right now is that I still don't have Lorlei back from her faceup and blushing. I sent her out 3/23 priority mail, her faceup was done the following weekend (pic emailed) and then the girl who was commissioned to do it, said she couldn't get to the body blush until last weekend. When I didn't hear from her by Monday, I emailed her. She replied Tuesday that Lorilei was finished, but her family was experiencing financial problems and to help out, she emptied her bank acct so she would have to wait until my Paypal payment cleared her bank before she could send Lorilei to me. And as you all probably know - that take 3-5 business days. . . .
I sent the payment through along with the shipping Tuesday, and sent her an email telling her that she can process and print out a priority mail shipping label directly from the USPS web site and pay with Paypal, but I haven't heard back from her since . . . . that's really not so unusual. Even before, when I met her as the coordinator of a group order I participated in, it could take a day or more before she replied, but . . .
I was going to have one of the ladies at this Saturday's meet-up show me how to restring and kip Lorilei. Now, since it looks like I'm not going to get her until sometime next week, I'm going to have to try it all on my own - something I'm not looking forward to.
And of course, even though I don't really believe it, and she's promised me it isn't so, I can't help but hear that nagging little voice in the back of my head that I might not see Lorilei again . . . Still, this is a DoA member in good standing, so like I said - I really don't believe that will happen. *crosses fingers*