kagura was getting her first photoshoot when
Kagura: Who are you?
Alana: My name's alana It's nice to meet you
Kagura: Alana...It's nice to meet you to.
Alana: and this is-
Kagura: I'm gunna go look around Ja ne!
Alana: Oh! well there isn't many places we can go would you like to go to my room?
Kagura: Well i guess if that's the only other place to go. just let me change out of this shirt...
Alana: So tell me about your self Kagura-chan
Kagura: It's...a long story.
Alana: Well we've got all night
thankes for looking
Kagura was the leader of a ferocious lady bōsōzoku (biker gang). Untill her best friend betrayed her kicking her out of the gang she fled to america because of the pain of losing all her friends was to great. She's half japanese half english, She's what they call a Yankee XD