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resin dyeing question

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resin dyeing question

Postby quidam » Mon May 09, 2011 2:17 pm

If a resin piece were to be dyed at a halfway point- lets say just half of the forearm to give a mental picture, will it make a nice neat line where the dye stopped or will it bleed into the non-dyed portion?
Along the same lines: if you could block off a portion of the resin- let's say with wax similar to how you would do a dripped pattern with Easter eggs- would it actually keep the dye off of that portion or would it manage to bleed into it?
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Re: resin dyeing question

Postby Lexagon » Fri May 13, 2011 8:15 pm

I don't know for sure so don't quote me, but I sort of feel like eventually the dye would bleed onto the resin unless you kept applying the blocking material, I'm thinking that as the dye ages, along with the resin without blocker it'd start to bleed out, probably very faintly but it'd still bleed.

I could be wrong though. However, maybe you could block off the portion, dye it and then wash it a few times or spray with MSC or some kind of sealent to keep it from running? I'm not sure, I'm sorry!
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Re: resin dyeing question

Postby Zainin » Sat May 14, 2011 10:57 pm

i see dead dolliehs
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