Ok, with default head you want to look for photos of Kiki-chan78's cat boy, Niko I think is his name, and Resu's robot girl Yubris You'll probably see Niko the most if you go over to Junkyspot, but I believe Yuubris (can't remember if it is one "u" or two) is in both forums Off the top of my head, those are the only ones I know of that are frequently photoed
Sheesh... next time you want to see the *default* head, just say so. XD
It's a REALLY cute head, but I can see how people might have problems maximizing the cuteness of it. I wasn't chiming in because you'd asked about GIRLS, not some weird kitty-boi. ^.~
Also worked on JanetT's default 50cm girl.
This one isn't the 50cm default head, but stylistically it's *really* close; close enough that people HAVE confused the two of them. I'd guess it was sculpted by the same person. It's the Obitsu 'Designer' head, this one in particular had it's eyes modded open.
wow such awesome dolliehs!!! XD i guess i should have been more specefic and mentioned i wanted to see the default head that came with the body. i figured mentioning a doll would be pressumed that im talking about the head too... but i forgot that obitsu's are made to be parted out so to speak. either way, keep up the awesome spam!
*Is currently addicted to large Obitsu's* Want: Gretel, Sleeping Princess oe, Alice, and maybe the 55cm boy with the original head. XD
Wow! I just realized what a perfect (purrfect? oh, painful) kittieh this default head makes. I might be tempted to even draw in the kittieh cheeks and whiskers.
Kiki chan! He's adorable. I'm sorry you didn't post before because I asked for girls. The only reason why I asked for that was cause mine is obviously a girl. But he is so cute! How'd you do the tail? I have a DD2 in need of a tail and I think my new boy will need one too. Oh noes. Lol. Who is the blonde kitty? Is that a henzel head? The last head pictured is adorable.
I want my neck piece to arrive so I can put her together. And possibly give her a faceup before next weeks conventio. If I do I may bring her with me.
Her noggin seems small, what size wig fits her best?
*Is currently addicted to large Obitsu's* Want: Gretel, Sleeping Princess oe, Alice, and maybe the 55cm boy with the original head. XD