x-posted at Junkyspot...
4th of July weekend in the Twin Cities is the weekend for Convergence. It is a 5500 person Science Fiction convention. Hazel got to go on Saturday, and we hung out together in COF2E2! It's a free con-suite where you can get snacks, coffee, tea, and cappuccino. It's actually a full coffee bar! Mmmmm!! COF2E2!
Hazel really liked my Mocha, and managed to get hold of the whip cream, as usual! It doesn't matter whether I want her to or not. The little fingers just manage to get right into it!
ME: Hazel, do you think it's right to steal my whip cream?
HAZEL: Mmmmm!
HAZEL: That is really good!!
HAZEL: It's just sitting there...
HAZEL: She's not looking...
ME: Hazel, what happened to the Mocha that was here?
HAZEL: It was really good, um, I guess I drank it all?
HAZEL: You're not mad at me, are you?
ME: No, sweetie, I could never be mad at you. I love you!
HAZEL: Then, can I have another, please?