Pleasesaveheart wrote:...not bring up that they're a little disproportinal. They'd have fun so why not?
I've played violent videogames since I was nine. I haven't got emotional problems except hereidtary ones, because my parents were responsible enough to tell me that its not right and that it should stay in the movies and games...idk
Win!! I just do not understand why people try to convince us that playing violent games or seeing "sexeh" dolliehs will make us horrible people...come on, we can tell that videogames are not real life (I actually think I read that kids as young as three know the difference between TV and reality. There's certainly research to show that "educational" programs don't really help young children learn more effectively...), and that people should wear clothing.
How can a child learn "slutty" behavior from a doll? They don't really have behavior for children to emulate, which is how children learn. Chucky excluded, they can't really make decisions...