Robin and Paul are working on their math homework. Robin hates math. Paul, on the other hand, is a tiny genius.

Robin: "Angel, I'm having trouble with this. What on earth is it supposed to mean?"

Paul: "Oh, that one's easy! See, just multiply it, then divide each side by 12 to find out what 'x' is."
Robin: "...okay. But I'm still not sure I understand. What's the point anyway? *sigh* Oh well. What are you working on, baby?"

Paul: "Oh, nothing much. Just some simple calculus."


"Let's take a break. Want some of this cupcake?"

Thanks for looking! Please note that I hate math almost as much as Robin does, so I don't know how accurate that calculus equation is. I just looked up something on Google.

Robin's clothes & boots from Alice's Collections, wig by Dollzone. He has a default AoD faceup and is NS-Yellow.
Paul's shirt from Alice's Collections, shorts from Kondoll, wig by Cancan J-Series, boots from Kemper Doll. He has a default CH faceup with freckles added by me and is CH normal skin.
Antique table, chairs from Jo*Ann & Hobby Lobby, Disney Princess & Me tea set.