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For the things that never make any sense! XD

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby britbrat18 » Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:07 pm

Lexagon wrote:
britbrat18 wrote:I'm watching The Mummy Returns, and I remember when I was little my Dad always called Anck Su Namun, Anuck Sailor Moon, to make me laugh, cause I was a huge(and still kinda am) Sailor Moon fan. The name ended up sticking, because he just walked by and called her that again. XD

That is such a quality joke XDD

My Dad is awesome like that. 8-) His sense of humor has always been good, something I've been told I've inherited. XD
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:14 pm

britbrat18 wrote:I'm watching The Mummy Returns, and I remember when I was little my Dad always called Anck Su Namun, Anuck Sailor Moon, to make me laugh, cause I was a huge(and still kinda am) Sailor Moon fan. The name ended up sticking, because he just walked by and called her that again. XD

That's Ahnk-sen-amun. (or Ahken-es-sunamen, depends on your interpretation of the hieroglyphics) The writers used the actual name of the wife of Tut-ahnk-amen for the name for their fictional princess. She's very tragic actually, the marriage seems to have been a love match between the two children of the Royal House (Tut was her half brother, this was VERY common in the Egyptian Royal Families, to marry a half-sibling) and she was the daughter of Nefertiti and Ahnkenaten. When Tut died (and the verdict now is that he was not murdered, it was a tragic accident compounded by some genetic/medical problems) she was left alone at the mercy of the court. She sent letters to many of the neighboring kings; the one she sent to King Suppiluliuma of the Hittites reads in part: "My husband has died and I have no son. They say about you that you have many sons. You might give me one of your sons to become my husband. I would not wish to take one of my subjects as a husband... I am afraid." Shortly after this, she was forced to marry the Vizier, Ay, and vanishes from history. She was right to be afraid as she was probably murdered.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby britbrat18 » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:54 pm

victoriavictrix wrote:
britbrat18 wrote:I'm watching The Mummy Returns, and I remember when I was little my Dad always called Anck Su Namun, Anuck Sailor Moon, to make me laugh, cause I was a huge(and still kinda am) Sailor Moon fan. The name ended up sticking, because he just walked by and called her that again. XD

That's Ahnk-sen-amun. (or Ahken-es-sunamen, depends on your interpretation of the hieroglyphics) The writers used the actual name of the wife of Tut-ahnk-amen for the name for their fictional princess. She's very tragic actually, the marriage seems to have been a love match between the two children of the Royal House (Tut was her half brother, this was VERY common in the Egyptian Royal Families, to marry a half-sibling) and she was the daughter of Nefertiti and Ahnkenaten. When Tut died (and the verdict now is that he was not murdered, it was a tragic accident compounded by some genetic/medical problems) she was left alone at the mercy of the court. She sent letters to many of the neighboring kings; the one she sent to King Suppiluliuma of the Hittites reads in part: "My husband has died and I have no son. They say about you that you have many sons. You might give me one of your sons to become my husband. I would not wish to take one of my subjects as a husband... I am afraid." Shortly after this, she was forced to marry the Vizier, Ay, and vanishes from history. She was right to be afraid as she was probably murdered.

I'm just going by what they call her in the movie, in the subtitles that's how it's spelled, I just forgot the dashes. :) In the movie most people pronounce it Anck-su-namun, except in one scene it's Ahnk-sen-amun(flash black scene).

That's pretty interesting info though! :D I always like reading this kinda stuff.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby kurosu.chan » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:39 pm

I just tripped over my dead cat. He was the cat that my parents had when they brought me home from the hospital, and he died several years ago. I had seen his ghost before, but not for a while, so it surprised me to find him in the hallway, lying on the rug, underfoot as per his usual preference. He gave me this grumpy cat-mumble and stalked off through the wall. I wonder why he's still here?
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:28 pm

kurosu.chan wrote:I just tripped over my dead cat. He was the cat that my parents had when they brought me home from the hospital, and he died several years ago. I had seen his ghost before, but not for a while, so it surprised me to find him in the hallway, lying on the rug, underfoot as per his usual preference. He gave me this grumpy cat-mumble and stalked off through the wall. I wonder why he's still here?

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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Chaye » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:19 pm

I... just got cussed out about 11 times by someone on facebook cause I don't think life is all doom and gloom and nothing but bad stuff... xD I... can't help but laugh at it..
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby Greyhaunt » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:01 am

kurosu.chan wrote:I just tripped over my dead cat. He was the cat that my parents had when they brought me home from the hospital, and he died several years ago. I had seen his ghost before, but not for a while, so it surprised me to find him in the hallway, lying on the rug, underfoot as per his usual preference. He gave me this grumpy cat-mumble and stalked off through the wall. I wonder why he's still here?



geez, I hope my dead cat doesn't do that!
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby 1/6andtinylover » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:17 am

kurosu.chan wrote:I just tripped over my dead cat. He was the cat that my parents had when they brought me home from the hospital, and he died several years ago. I had seen his ghost before, but not for a while, so it surprised me to find him in the hallway, lying on the rug, underfoot as per his usual preference. He gave me this grumpy cat-mumble and stalked off through the wall. I wonder why he's still here?


...*checks to make sure that there are no gunea pig ghosts in this house*
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby SillyLilPuppet » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:01 am

That happens at my gram's house from time to time, she had two dogs (twin sisters) and a cat for almost 20 years, they all passed about ten years ago but have been spotted here and there. You'd be walking down the hall and just be kind of aware of a short brown dog underfoot, then remember her only dog is red and quite a bit smaller. Or you'd see her black calico sleeping in the corner or wandering past, and the only living cat in the house is white and pale grey.
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Re: For the things that never make any sense! XD

Postby DollyKim » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:09 am

Chaye wrote:I... just got cussed out about 11 times by someone on facebook cause I don't think life is all doom and gloom and nothing but bad stuff... xD I... can't help but laugh at it..

What? You don't see the horror of it all? jk

Good for you for looking on the bright side of life. Hopefully the other person's bad day will pass and they'll feel better. Don't let them bully you, we're all allowed to think and feel differently and make up our own opinions.
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