by britbrat18 » Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:06 pm
Stupid Sticky Squares. Says great for posters, easy, clean, and no residue. It doesn't mention being permenant anywhere, but now I got rips in the back of my Sailor Moon Posters, from them.
Ripped pieces of the back right off, when I tried to reposition them. Thankfully, no damage was done to the front. They are still on the wall right now, should I keep them up, or try to gently remove them? And Then pin them? Sticky tacky leaves nasty greasy residue on the back.
Kratos Aurion (AOD Chen), Anna Aurion (Modified RS Mei), , Lloyd Aurion(Modified Felix Brownie, and AOD Le Le) Usagi Chiba (Modified RS Ju), Mamoru Chiba (RS Mai)