SetsunaKou wrote:They're the same bodies---they were always just called 'New Excellent Body.'
I love the 27cm male bodies---because they're so skinny, even after dressing them, they're still slender and slick looking.
The 27cm female bodies, I prefer Obitsu----the Obitsu have a prettier silhouette AND pose better!
However, the 25cm Volks Midis are WONDERFUL! I have about 50 of them because they're the PERFECT size for 'girls/women' next to the 27cm/28cm male bodies. (When you want the gal to be about a little more than a head or so shorter than the boy.) They don't fall apart (except sometimes, their hands DO come off if you're unlucky to get a body with loose hand joints) and pose really nicely! I also love their look and shape!
What I find funny is that the Volks 25cm and the Obitsu 25cm are COMPLETELY different sizes. 0_o
The Volks is taller by about an inch!!! How can that be?!? But it is......
Darn, I was hopeful. XDD They did restock some I heard though. I wonder why they're so different in size