by britbrat18 » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:10 pm
solitary agent wrote:That's who I got my AoD boy from! I didn't realise there was any controversy. I had absolutely no problems with the transaction or my doll, and he had his official paperwork and everything. Weird!
Glad to hear it! Don't worry, they are AOD dolls, just no one can figure out if she is a real dealer, or not. I emailed AOD myself a few times, and I never got a straight answer. I ordered my AOD Chen on ebay from a seller who ended up in the same position, and my doll came fine. I just wanted to give a warning, just in case.
Kratos Aurion (AOD Chen), Anna Aurion (Modified RS Mei), , Lloyd Aurion(Modified Felix Brownie, and AOD Le Le) Usagi Chiba (Modified RS Ju), Mamoru Chiba (RS Mai)