by OkamiKodomo » Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:16 pm
So, I totes do not want to jinx this, but I've just had an amazing week, and it's been ages since I've had anything more than so much as a "good day", and for my luck/good mood to hold out for an entire week is just... really cool. My mom shipped all my stuff to me from New York, albeit she missed a sketch book and some papers, but she's getting that to me soon. Nothing was damaged en route, and all my dolliehs are safe and sound. Seona got his new double jointed body, and I've been able to work on him, as my project thread has shown, and so far, his paint job is going fabulously. I managed to purchase a dremel for a whole whopping $14.99 plus 5.20 for EXPEDITED shipping, and it arrived yesterday and is absolutely fabulous. I can't wait to try it out. I snagged a wig for my newest doll, Vorel, for ten bucks, and while it's not perfect, it's an excellent temp til I can afford the one I really want. I was able to afford buying Vorel's body from Junkyspot, and sold off the head that came with it. It just arrived today. My fiance got my old LG Ally working on my cell provider, which is excellent because I seriously missed that phone. I was ready to cry when I had found out originally that I could never use it again, so long as my man's debt to Verizon remained unpaid, but I kept it anyway. Lo and behold, some 10 months later I can use it again. My sales have been doing good on IMVU, so I might be able to afford the 1/3 resinsoul boy I want, or maybe even a Dollzone Annie in another month.... or at least put one on layaway at Denverdoll. And, to really top it off, my roommates are gone, taking away 90% of my daily stress levels, a health problem I'd been dealing with for a full year finally cleared up, I have a craft studio in what used to be one of my roommate's bedroom, and my relationship with my fiance has been on the upswing. While we were at our therapist last night, we told her that things have been great ever since the roommates left, and we went from rating our relationship at a 2 or 3 out of 10, to right about a 7 out of 10. So all in all, I just wanted to rejoice in the fact that life, does not in fact, suck all the time.

Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!