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Byul/Doll Chateau Hybrid? And other Pullip/bjd hybrids

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Byul/Doll Chateau Hybrid? And other Pullip/bjd hybrids

Postby .Chibi.I.Kirakishou. » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:23 pm

Hi,guys,I thought I just would ask this of you guys since I can't find any info anywhere else and it would be offtopic on DoA. So hear it goes: Byul head on a Doll Chateau baby body. I have a Byul Paulia and I've had the idea of her adorable big head on that doll chateau baby body! <3 I don't know if any of the DC baby shipment has made it home yet,but I just wanted som tips,tricks and just thoughts in general.

Here's some info links:

Byul Paulia
http://pullipstyle.com/pullipstyle/prod ... cts_id=559

Doll Chateau Baby Girl (via DDE link)

And while I'm at it...how do you guys feel about Pullip heads (and other big headed dolls) on a Aria 14yrs body or a female Hujoo body?

Maor links:

Aria Doll 14yr Body:

Hujoo list via Junkyspot:
http://www.junkyspot.com/IMAGES/HUJOO/b ... ennfup.jpg

I'm hoping that I posted this is the right subforum. I'm beginning to think that the second part should've been posted in the MSD section,but Pullip/Dal/Byul etc are 1/6ths scale?
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Re: Byul/Doll Chateau Hybrid? And other Pullip/bjd hybrids

Postby animeangel09189 » Fri Sep 23, 2011 7:30 am

your right pullip and them are 1/6th and the BJD's you showed would be all over the first link shows BJD's in all sizes and the other one would be SD size (1/3rd the biggest of the three sizes)

I'm not sure what you are asking (although I just got up so I'm not 100% awake yet) but if you are asking about putting a pullip head on a BJD body or hujoo head on a BJD then I think I get it

So with a pullip head on a BJD body is can be done but boy does it take a lot of work from the looks of it here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/requiemart ... 960503090/ since you would have to consider the eye mech in the pullip (or dal or byul)

I'm unsure about putting a hujoo on a BJD unless you meant putting a pullip head on a hujoo body... here: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&secti ... o#/d3idf2o I personally do not like the pullip on hujoo body look and think thats really stupid for a lot of reasons one it just looks wrong (unless it's a dana or cora you were planning in which case it would work look wise a bit better) and two other then the weird proportions hujoo's probably don't pose (excluding the dana and cora bodies I think) that well with a pullip head on it because of the wight of the pullip head but that's just me and I don't want to start anything I love pullips and am thinking of getting a hujoo berry I have nothing against the dolls separately but in a hybrid like that it wouldn't work (now a hujoo head on a pullip body would look ok though)

but back to the topic at hand if that is what your asking it can be done but it would take some work due to the eye mech

Re: Byul/Doll Chateau Hybrid? And other Pullip/bjd hybrids

Postby .Chibi.I.Kirakishou. » Fri Sep 23, 2011 12:48 pm

I'm sorry about my links being all wonky on me. 2nd link was meant to be for a bjd tiny body (about the size of a pullip/dal/byul/etc).

The first thing I was asking was to put a pulllip (byul) head on the bjd tiny body. I know to make it work I would need to dremel the kneck hole of the head wider and more than likely completely remove the eyemech. What I was really worring about was would it look right (with a redone faceup and everything to add on later of course)(Thanks for the relink to the big pullip mod tutorial).

What I meant by the second thing was a big head on larger bjd body or switching the big head onto the strung hujoo (Wing/berry/etc) bodies.I've seen a large head on the 14yr body and it looks amazing! Except it was a Leekeworld Florence head. I kind feel that the dal or byul head would look to childish for the mature body. That link you showed me with the pullip head on the hujoo body = I didn't like it either. She looked stumpy,to me.
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