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Volks/Beanie baby hybrid Lamia girl

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Re: Volks/Beanie baby hybrid Lamia girl

Postby famedglory » Tue Oct 04, 2011 10:15 pm

She's looks great! Good job!
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Re: Volks/Beanie baby hybrid Lamia girl

Postby Glace Leau » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:21 pm

That is intensely cool! She looks like a lot of fun to play with, heh. Does she rest in her own coils well?
I have that Beanie Baby sitting on my headboard. It was a gift from my brother, so it's sentimental... but you're making me tempted to keep an eye out at Goodwill...
Where did all these 1/6s come from?!
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Re: Volks/Beanie baby hybrid Lamia girl

Postby .Chibi.I.Kirakishou. » Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:32 pm

Woah! What a genius idear! You should definetely post pics when you finish her faceup. I've seen the bjd Nagi which is amazing and now I've seen this and I'm content! I kinda want one now lol.
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Re: Volks/Beanie baby hybrid Lamia girl

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:01 am

Glace Leau wrote:That is intensely cool! She looks like a lot of fun to play with, heh. Does she rest in her own coils well?
I have that Beanie Baby sitting on my headboard. It was a gift from my brother, so it's sentimental... but you're making me tempted to keep an eye out at Goodwill...

I can't get her stay upright on her own very well, but there's elastic in the snaketail which makes it fun to hang her from things. (My arm, for example.)

She's very good at curling around things, so that's probably what she will spend most of her time doing...

.Chibi.I.Kirakishou. wrote:Woah! What a genius idear! You should definetely post pics when you finish her faceup. I've seen the bjd Nagi which is amazing and now I've seen this and I'm content! I kinda want one now lol.

Yeah, I'll definitely post pics when I finish her faceup and get her wig. >_> might be a while since I haven't quite decided whether to paint her eyes or use decals...
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