catshem wrote:My basil diedSo I'm jealous of your fresh pesto
I have a huge Thyme bush though. Still alive might I add. I'm actually pretty amused by it as it grew pretty much wild in my backyard before I found it and transplanted it into a pot.
It has taken me several years to really develop a feel for the climate and growing seasons here, so this is the first time I've really been happy with my results. Even then, it was sort of a happy accident because the four plants I put in the bed were getting kind of sad. The stems had gotten "woody" because the leaves just wouldn't get big enough for a good yield and the bugs were having a feast on what was growing. Planting them in the bed gave them room to grow and a lot of nutrients. An unexpected but added benefit was that several young green anoles (a lizard that looks a bit like the Geico gecko) have taken up territories on the bigger plants and really keep the bugs in check. My basil usually dies under a late season, all out assault of cold weather and a very voracious type of caterpillar. I caught a couple of those today but maybe the lizards are helping keep them killed off too. We'll see but I hope to have basil for at least a few more weeks. I REALLY hope that it has established and will come back in the spring.