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My new friend

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Re: My new friend

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:21 pm

He's a very handsome fellow, much like our Russian Blue, and seems just as mellow.
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Re: My new friend

Postby famedglory » Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:45 am

Gimpy ear is adorable! Congratulations both to you for finding such a sweet kitty and to him for finding such a great home. May you bring each other lots of happiness!
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Re: My new friend

Postby BlackDragoon » Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:49 am

It always makes me happy to see another cat adopted to a good home. His ear gives him a lot of character :)
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Re: My new friend

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:52 am

*groan* it's been 16 years since I had a young cat - I'd forgotten how much NOISE they make at night >< Cesare has fallen in love with the verticle blinds on my patio door so all night long *CLACKITACLACKITACLACKITA* I wonder if I could fabric coat them.....

Tonight we trim claws - I'm covered in bandaids from his friendly play! :D
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Re: My new friend

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:29 pm

Haha GH, I'm sure they're battlescars of love! My fiance rough-houses with our pitbull, and he always shows off the scratches she gives him with her nails.... but she never actually draws blood. Of course she also knows that if she wants to play-fight, she goes to daddy. She comes to mommy for pets and ear scritches.
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Re: My new friend

Postby cirquemom » Thu Oct 27, 2011 12:42 pm


(even though I have five)

He looks fantastic and thank you for rescuing an "imperfect" kitty, because a lot of times they don't get adopted. We have a couple of imperfect pets- Otis the Wonder Dog has one eye that is half-blue, looks like maybe he might be blind (but he isn't) and the humane society felt like that was why no one wanted him. We adopted him at four months when almost all of the other litter of 8 had been grabbed right away.
And then we have Mr. Rocks, who had a very nasty infection on his foot and the Humane Society was going to put him down. But my daughter fell in love with him and told them she would adopt him if they would fix his foot. They had to remove one of his toes, but he is fine. Of course he is my kitty now, since she moved to a pet-free apartment (which is how I ended up with 8 cats all at the same time for a while).
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Re: My new friend

Postby Greyhaunt » Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:14 pm

An "imperfection" would never stop me from luffing on and animal - and honestly it's not that bad at all to me hahaha. When I first saw photos of him on the shelter website I actually thought that he had one ear folded forward - like a Scottish Fold. It wasn't until I read the info that I found out what it was from. Since then I've done reading and it's unfortunately common for a cat that gets a severe ear hematoma to end up with a "cauliflower" ear. Meh, I didn't even notice it when I was cuddling him and it doesn't bother him at all for pettings and stuff! Even my parents thought it was sweet :)

And you know what is great? He barely sheds!!! I brushed him and brushed him and barely anything came out - and I don't get a facefull of hair when I snuggle with him either :) WOOT!!
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Re: My new friend

Postby AlmySidaKay » Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:36 pm

My dog was a shelter dog too, apparently the people who had him before us moved somewhere you had to cage the animal, and he ended up cracking a good amount of teeth on the cage trying to get out. But the humane society was more then willing to give him the dental surgery and we happily took home our slightly more toothless pup! Yay for shelter pets! And OMG cute kittty!!!!
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Re: My new friend

Postby EAB » Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:57 pm

WHAT a PRECIOUS cat--and does he know it!
And he's a tabby. I think tabbies are the smartest cats there are. Looks like he's well on the way to taking over your house (which is as it should be).
I had a tabby once named Mr. Wilson who could open the refrigerator. I had to tie the door handle to a nail to keep him out, or he would open it and grub in the chicken.
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Re: My new friend

Postby mygreenpajamas » Thu Oct 27, 2011 5:01 pm

CONGRATS! i have kitties from the animal shelter here in ctown. it feels so good to give a home to those in need <3

my puppy was a rescue too. poor thing was brought up on a puppy farm :< muchas props for rescuing that fine feline XD
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