Android raptor wrote:EAB wrote:Walmart does not have a good reputation for treating anyone well, including their employees, so of course they wouldn't care about animals. It's all about the money.
What's sad is that as shitty as they are I'm still jealous of my friends who work there because they get a thirty minute lunchbreak AND a 15 minute break if their shift is at least 6 or 7 hours (more and longer breaks for longer shifts). Us Kroger slaves get one 15 minute break unless we work 7 or more hours, then we get one 30 minute break. Of course whoever does scheduling LOVES to give out 6 1/2 hour shifts, which is some annoying bullshit since I'm usually starving by breaktime and 15 minutes is not enough to run and get food and eat it (I pretty much have to inhale it).
Baggers get nothing in the way of benefits either. No health care, no holiday pay (I worked Thanksgiving and the only reason I didn't have a nasty meltdown from all the noise and crowds was because I went and did some things to my arm I'm not exactly proud of and just got my usual minimum wage for it), nothing. The excuse for the reason we get no health care is because "we can take tips". WHAT TIPS, BITCH? Who the fuck tips baggers? I'm lucky if i get a buck 50 every three months from someone whom I love forever at the moment. Lemme tell ya that TOTALLY is enough to pay for health care and shit.
kfdnbgiogchj I need a new job ;A;
Wait, I'm sorry, but I never knew you tipped baggers. That is like right there with tipping the guy who pumps my gas... Not something I realized I was supposed to do :/ I never have cash on me anymore, so how am I supposed to tip? I mean, I tip the obvious... uh...
Yeh I hate retail jobs. I refuse to work another again. They treat their employees like numbered robots and not people. Like, if someone told me had had to work in retail again I would shot them and hide the body.