>make dinner
>call husband
>husband comes out
>takes plate back to office
> ._.
Well then, glad I didn't slave over dinner.
Kirahfaye wrote:I think y'all can blame Publix (in the south at least) for the idea that baggers don't get tipped when they take your groceries to your car. Not tipping the baggers is part of their promotion. They pay their baggers a little more and offer benefits, but will actually fire someone for accepting a tip. I haven't worked at Publix since high school so I don't know what it's like working there anymore, but I enjoy shopping there.
Android raptor wrote:kfdnbgiogchj I need a new job ;A;
Android raptor wrote:I'm a bad bagger and feel like I probably don't deserve it. It's kind of hard when you're barely able to keep from running away screaming at times because the register noise feels like someone jabbing a toothpick in your ear (amongst every other form of sensory stimuli known to man).
This is not a job for someone on the Autism Spectrum. "Trying harder" isn't going to magically make it so or make my brain rewire itself, like my managers think. Fuck Kroger.
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