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Only one....

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Re: Only one....

Postby Jobee » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:10 pm

None. If there was a fire, I wouldn't touch my dolls. I'd go for my wedding pictures, medication, and GTFO!
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Re: Only one....

Postby Linteia » Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:13 pm

If I had to sell all of my dolliehs except one, my onliest would be Aisling. She would be crushed at loosing her family but I just couldn't let her go.

Aisling modeling her new wig color by adoptablelove, on Flickr
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Re: Only one....

Postby kittyasauras » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:14 am

Okay okay.. haha

If I was ever in a situation, where I could only keep one doll... it would be Echo. He's my first doll, and he always has had an unexplainable special link to me. He's old, and he is the doll that feels most real to me; he is the most important one.


If I could pick a second that had to be kept it would be my newest addition, Ross who was rebodied into a Dikadoll Ling-Yue. Ross has been my OC going on almost 10ys now, he's never been better. I'm so happy with him in that sculpt.
But then again, seeing as how he doesn't even have a faceup yet... he would be pretty replaceable! LOL
https://www.etsy.com/shop/FawnFeathers <-----ETSY~! dollieh clothes and what-nots
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Re: Only one....

Postby Wardah » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:58 pm

If I could only keep one doll as of right now it would be my vintage Matchmaker Magic Mulan turned Princess Badroulbadour. If I can also keep one of my tiny dolls I would keep my vintage Sweet Sleeper Blueberry Muffin since those are kinda hard to find as well. As much as I love my Monsters, Moxie/Liv hybrids, Lalaloopsies, and Polly Pockets, I think it would be easier to replace them if I had to.
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Re: Only one....

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:02 pm

For a tornado (knock on wood) as many as I can get down the laundry shot. XD
A fire, dogs first then photos and keepsakes.
Last edited by Gift_in_Edge on Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I'm mostly on Tumblr now.
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Re: Only one....

Postby tirsden » Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:25 pm

By default that would have to be Aiden, my dream doll MNF Luka / DZ hybrid. He's the one I always grab when the fire alarm goes off (and we get a lot of those here -.- ). Although it would suck something terrible to only have one doll like "forever" if that were the case for some odd reason, Aiden would also suffice for my eternal cutie. ^_^

This is from before he got his new body, the outfit is from Dollmore and he was thrilled he could get to pick something girly. XD

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Re: Only one....

Postby famedglory » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:47 pm

Taavi. He's my first and my most cherished. While I do love the others and I continue to grow more attached to all of them, Taavi is now and will always be first. Of the dolls, of course. Pets and loved ones have seperate rankings that the dolliehs don't compare to. In fact this past summer we had a sudden tornado warning. I grabbed my purse, external hardrive, and Taavi. Didn't even have to think about it. Although technically, Elliot was in my purse since he kind of lives there.

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