Hi there, i was hoping you guys could help me out.
Last year I attempted a project and it didn't exactly end too well so i'm looking to replace the original body with one that's more fitting to the character.
I'm looking for one about the same size height wise as the obitsu 11 cm, i could do between 8-12cm -maybe 15cm, and would prefer one that is very close in color to either obitsu white skin (preferable) or obitsu flesh tone so she matches her "parents"
I'd also prefer a hollow torso body (like the obitsus) as the head i want to use has that peg system.
I've been considering heavily modding and slimming down an obitsu 11cm body, does anyone know exactly how much of the plastic can be taken away and reshaped with miliput or something?
Thanks for your time ^^