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Oops X2...

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Oops X2...

Postby magkelly » Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:24 pm

I should know better than to go near Amazon.com when I am totally depressed. I just indulged in a bit of "dolly therapy" and I really shouldn't have. The vet bill this week is going to be hefty and I didn't need to spend the $50 but I am pretty upset and I just really needed to have something nice happening next week. I know I am going to be a total mess and that even a couple of new dolls can't fix that but whatever. I just have to get through this next week head intact, and whatever it takes, I don't care right now.

I bought the Arizona MT I've been looking at for the past few months and the rocker Melrose I liked besides. I actually want the outfit from the Melrose for the Arizona actually. Except for the 2nd wig which looks okay I absolutely hate the outfit on either Arizona, but I do kind of like the wig and the eye makeup on #2 so that's why I picked her instead of #1. I'm going to darken her lips to some interesting shade of mauve purple then brush on some metallic tint I think. She needs a bit bolder palette with that skin tone I think. Maybe I'll line her eyes a bit more too. They look like they are a gorgeous dark blue.

I think the rocker outfit from the Melrose will look just great on her. I'll have to try both sets of leggings to see which one I like. They're very similar outfits actually and it looks like I can mix it up a bit to see what works best. They both have two toned wigs but one has bangs, one doesn't. I'll have to try them both and see which one looks better on Arizona. I have something else in mind for Melrose aka whomever she turns out to be.

This will be my third Melrose with the bright blue eyes so I may just make either this one or the original one look a bit different in terms of eye color. I'm not really sure which eye color I will use this time. I don't like repeat myself too much but I am really running out of eye colors to use unless I go with something more artificial like Tristen's original purple. So far we have a good mix of purple, bright blue, darker blue, aqua-blue green, bottle green, hazel green, hazel brown and dark brown. About the only other color I can think of that's left is a gray and that probably wouldn't suit a Melrose skin tone at all. I guess I'll have to go take a look at the glass paints and the Sharpies at Micheal's again, see what I can come up with. There's got to be some color out there that would look great but not be too close to what I have already done...

This Arizona (Not my pic, but too nice....)


http://www.flickr.com/photos/67728736@N ... otostream/

This Melrose (Ditto...)


http://www.flickr.com/photos/67728736@N ... otostream/

With the Bijou I ordered last week that will make 11 MT's and I'm done I think. That's one more than I ever planned on getting and I decided I only wanted one boy after all. If I ever saw one on clearance at TJ Maxx or something I still might grab one for $10 to tinker with but I'm just not going to spend $22 with shipping on a doll I'm just not passionate about getting.

FYI, they have a lot of these on clearance at TRU right now and I was tempted but even at $15 by the time I finish with tax and shipping I'm still talking $22 a pop and I just don't feel like I want to go there right now. I'm basically paying that on Amazon anyhow, but they have the dolls I actually wanted so why bother with TRU? Most of what's on sale is the rooted dolls and the first wave dolls and I pretty much have what I want of those except maybe for another Gavin to wig at some point. I don't know. Usually I like to have more than one guy but I think my Gavin (aka Tom Tennant) really likes having a harem of pretty girls to live with. :P

Also, and I am not really too happy with this situation Tonner never did get back to me about sending back the two defective Arwen boots. They just dropped the situation it looks like. That's not like them, usually they're pretty communicative, but whatever. I'm going to let it go and figure out some way to use them anyhow. I'm thinking maybe I'll just remove the zippers, punch holes and thread embroidery thread through them to lace them up? The dresses are really nice but I've decided I'm not going to be keeping them. I'm going to put those and the tights up online somewhere and see what they'll bring. With any luck they'll make up for the MT's I just indulged in. Maybe I'll list all the extra MT, Liv, and Basics clothes I seem to be accumulating too while I am at it. (and MH Cleo's outfit probably too.)

You know it's funny sometimes I just love the dolls I buy but the clothes, not so much really. That's the problem with having a sewing machine. You end up liking your own outfits and they never hardly wear what they came with again. Oh, speaking of Target had really cute little St. Pats and Easter $1 socks in today. I got two pairs for sock outfits. Might want to have a look. There's tiny pink pair with a frog and a "Go Green" slogan that is just too cute. They would look really nice on a tiny BJD as a sweater or something.

Okay, I have a sick cat to go check on so see I'll see you all in a bit. I'm just all about typing and trying not to think too much about Monday right now anyway. I tend to babble (and shop) when I get upset. I think I'd better hand my parents my credit cards till after Monday. They're safer over at their house than mine right now. I get nervous enough who knows what I'll buy before Monday...
Dolliehs Consume My Brains
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Re: Oops X2...

Postby magkelly » Fri Mar 16, 2012 2:21 am

Cancel that, as in I just did cancel my order. Being a good girl. Curtaining my own foolishness for once. I may still get an Arizona if I get a good deal but I was being too grabby for all the wrong reasons. Emotional shopping is not a good thing. After a bit I decided to cancel it and just chill for now. I think I may need the $$$$ on the credit card more.
Dolliehs Consume My Brains
Posts: 1047
Joined: Tue Nov 08, 2011 7:07 pm

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