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Tumblr rage (M)

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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby knittnkitten » Sat Mar 24, 2012 3:09 pm

I don't go looking for trouble on tumblr, and it doesnt' come looking for me. on the other hand, I just like posting on there because I can post whatever I like.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:15 pm

Problem is I've never gone looking. I only go on there for pretty pictures ^_^;
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby britbrat18 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 6:40 pm

I like it, shiny fits with a water dragon, it makes it look like he just came up out of the water. :) I don't think it's too much at all. Sorry that you were called out like that, there is no reason for it.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:06 pm

Thank you all. I'm feeling a lot calmer now. I hate it when I let these people doubt myself and my dolls. I love my dolls darn it.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby quidam » Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:29 pm

I was never on Tumblr before I read this post. Pretty pictures seem to abound! Sorry that someone was so rude, though. Rudeness seems to be fairly common on the internet.

The way I see it, even if you hate the faceup or see it as poorly done, as long as the person who owns it likes it, does it really matter? Not everyone has the same taste. It's like picking on someone for eating a sandwich with no condiments just because you eat everything with mustard. We all like what we like.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby Mary Kathryn » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:26 pm

myotishia wrote:Image
This is Tsuni. Apparently he's too shiny -_-

Yeah, those people aren't worth your rage or concern. He's quite cute. There are always people who won't care for what you like and will make fun of you. I say f**k those people.
I try to stay off the confession blogs and bashing blogs. I just want pretty happy dollieh tiemz, nail polish, and various fandoms. (((hugs))) Don't let 'em get you down.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby Linteia » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:15 pm

He's very cute, don't let them beat you down. It looks like the "excessive shine" was a flash glare, which is a pretty ridiculous thing for people to be trolling about as a face-up wank. Sometimes anonymity makes people a little too big for their own britches.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby JisatsuKusuri » Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:56 am

What's so shiney about this little creature? He's cute I love those colors. And a tumblr bjd hate group? I think I've heard of it before but I'm not sure.
I'm always on tumblr. I'm addicted to that site haha XD

Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby OkamiKodomo » Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:27 am

I agree, he's friggin adorable, just as he is. The "excessive" shine definitely looks like a flash glare, because it looks like you intentionally put gloss on the blue paint to make it look like...oh I don't know.... DRAGON SKIN? People will always have something negative to say about something, it just so happened your poor Tsuni got the target sign. I have a water dragon too, and he's smothered in glitter...someone told me I painted his scales "too regular"...

The thing I like most about this hobby is that, with the exception of using materials that could harm the doll (ie: oil based anything) there is no right or wrong way to do anything. Constructive criticism is one thing, but being downright insulting is just mean and rude. Tsuni is beautiful, so don't let anyone get you down with needless bashing.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:06 am

Thank you all for the compliments :D
I rechecked said group and I was surprised. Little Tsuni has been removed, so that's nice. ^_^
feeling unwelcome. It was a good sanctuary while it lasted. I'll miss you guys. .
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