by OutBriefCandle » Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:36 pm
Don't really know the Hunger Games but at it's most basic point the premise kinda reminds me of Battle Royale. Need to read that book again. Maybe rent the movie. ...Well, see if the library has it anyway. Can you even rent movies anymore outside of RedBox?
I just came home from Tekkoshocon! I love anime cons. It was lots of fun and Ariel got lots of compliments on his new outfit. I'm going to have to take pictures of it soon, I didn't have a chance before con and didn't think to while I was there. I was such a dollieh pimp, passing out JSpot cards and selling people on Bobobie. XD ...They really do need to get someone to take better pictures of their dolls, one of the artists in the Alley was telling me how she'd been so hesitant to get one because the company pictures are so bad. But yeah. Got to go with my BFF from highschool again this year, the bands were great, the acts in the Masquerade were great, the cosplayers in the halls are always fun to watch (there were these two fursuits who might've been pokemon, they won a craftsmanship award, they were fantastic and had hand stilts and the eyes LIT UP and apparently the cosplayers who made them were like, twelve)...I got to see freaking Zordon...
I have a Weeping Angel teddy bear. I put a Tardis necklace on it and told my friends that the angels had the phonebox because I'm a huge dork. XD I also got a picture of the Tenth Doctor staring it down. XD
Bought way too many DVDs, but I got really good deals on them. Anyone else remember Betterman? I only saw a little of it back in the day but I'd bought one disk a long time ago and at con this year I found five volumes of it on clearance, five bucks each. I picked up all five, even though I thought I had volume one already cause I wasn't sure if I still had it, figured I could get the sixth later. When I got home I looked on the shelf and found I still had the old one, but it wasn't volume one it was volume six the whole time. I completed the series by accident. XD Also picked up some other DVDs of old series that probably no one watches anymore, because I'm crap at following new series. Most of the series I want are out of print.
Next year is Convention Center or bust (thank god, I'm going to remember this year as 'Queuecon' because we've already had 'Claustrophobiacon' and this year was actually really well organized), and hopefully my friend and I will be in a situation where we can afford to stay in the con hotel. It'll be a lot more convenient than driving back and forth and there won't be busses for me anymore.
Ryo - DIM Real (NS)
Ariel - BBB Sprite (Blue)
Peaseblossom - BBB Ariel (Lilac)
Bast - Fairyland MNF Woosoo Vamp (WS)
Bernadette - Hujoo Berry (Apricot)
Mustardseed - Realpuki Tyni (NS)
Dove - BBB Pixie (Chocolate)
Loki - Hujoo Jake
Monster High Toralei
Monster High Clawd Wolf
Perneth - RS Pixiu (Sky Blue)