by OkamiKodomo » Thu Apr 05, 2012 7:57 pm
I'm ready to scream, or cry, or bash my head on a hard surface repeatedly. I've had to work with this one dumbass of a guy repeatedly... He's annoying, hyper, and...offensive. I'm all for being politically incorrect, but there is a time and place for it, and the workplace is not the one. But that's minor. I can deal with it. I only have a few more days really, before I get to tell them to go screw themselves.
No the big problem is that I was told something, and now I have no idea if I'm getting paid. I was informed that they now have a computer program keeping track of our shifts (which honestly, no idea why that hadn't been implemented long ago....this IS the age of technology) and we didn't need paper time cards anymore. But now I'm hearing that I was supposed to turn my paper in after all, and I'm like.... wtf? So I have no idea if I'm actually getting paid tomorrow or not, I have next to no gas in my car, definitely not enough to drive 30 miles each way to get to my location, and don't have enough to pay $5.25 in tolls. I haven't been able to afford to go to those unpaid meetings this week, so I have no effing clue what's going on.
Then, I was given my schedule for this campaign, and thought that I was off tomorrow and Saturday, because the Big Boss said Friday and Saturday were for the top sellers because of Easter, so I had thought that the schedule was complete for this week. Turns out it wasn't.
I am just majorly frustrated right now.
And before I hit submit, I got a call from one of my leads, after trying to text him for the better part of 45 minutes to get an answer, finally clearing up that while no, the schedule wasn't finished, I'm still off tomorrow and Saturday, and Sunday as well, because of Easter. While I want to breath a sigh of relief, because I don't have to stress getting to work, it also means my last check with them might not be enough to carry me through until the new job starts paying me. Still not sure about the paycheck situation, but he said I SHOULD have a check. I'm supposed to call him at noon to see if it's there.

Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!