by OkamiKodomo » Sat Mar 31, 2012 3:36 pm
Orchid is my favorite flower. Make sure you show us pics if those buds make it to blooming <3
My rejoice is...small and somewhat silly but I finally managed to get the energy and motivation to clean my kitchen properly. My job has been taking so much of both out of me that I've been barely throwing a load of dishes into the dishwasher once or twice a week, and all but begging the hubby to take out the trash. And his idea of taking out the trash is to grab only what's in the actual pail... not grabbing the cereal and pizza boxes, or the occasional cardboard box from a mail item, that inevitably gets more trash stuffed into it... But I got all that out, washed all the dishes, not just the ones that fit in the dishwasher, swept and mopped. All that's left is to put away some plastic wrap and clean the counters. Still need to sweep and mop the dining room/living room, and clean off the dining table, but that won't take more than an hour all told.
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!