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Tumblr rage (M)

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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Wed Apr 11, 2012 2:30 pm

Fingers crossed . :S

And me too. My very first was awful, but if it had been pictured there I never would have tried again. If I find any other photo owners I'll tell them. Sadly they could be anywhere on the internet :(
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby happyknot » Wed Apr 11, 2012 3:23 pm

When you post anything publicly - be it your opinions, a picture of yourself, a video or your own art, you have to expect that the public is going to react. You can't control their reactions so they may be positive or negative and they are going to share them just as publicly as you shared yours.

The site you linked to (giving more attention to the trolls I might add) also states that they are willing to take down any pictures that the owners request to be taken down.

I know that their trolling is hurtful. Believe me I have shut down my own journals and galleries because I felt like I was being laughed at. Ultimately that was because I chose to focus on the unpleasant people and comments rather than the positive.

As you can see here you have lots of support. Focus on the fact that you love your doll, you love how your dolls look right now and you're having fun. No one should be able to take that away from you unless you let them. ;)
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby kiki-chan78 » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:09 pm

Uhm, honestly, we should probably let this entire topic die. Who really cares what all some yahoo says about a doll that isn't even theirs. They've got one of my photos up there, and I'm not offended. Because, really, who cares?

The one thing that did annoy me was that they were lumping just about all 1:6 scale vinyl dolls into one group and labeling it 'obitsu'. Several of the small dolls they had posted were Volks Dollfies. If a person is going to mock, at least get the companies right. ^.~


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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby quidam » Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:10 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote: If you track down the owners of the other photos, they can do the same.

But if a sensitive individual found themselves featured there, then it could be a very discouraging experience.

Okay, so:
I do recognize who some of those dolls belong to.
Here's the thing: if I was unaware that one of my dolls was up there, I don't know how I'd feel if someone pointed it out to me. Part of me would want it down,the other part of me would rather live in bliss without knowing the my doll had been featured on a webpage touted as the "ugliest" dolls in the hobby. I mean, as much as I would like to say that I would go "who cares, I love them", part of me would be very hesitant about posting them ever again. That part might also want to redo the doll or even get rid of it.
I admit it: I'm a bit of a people pleaser at times.
I guess you could group me in with those who might be "sensitive" to it.

So, what do you do if you don't know the person well enough to know how they'll react? I mean, coming out of nowhere to a stranger saying "Hey, a bunch of people have been mocking your doll over here" seems a bit wrong in and of itself. Could trying to "help" others by telling them that their doll is there actually hurt them?
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby DollyKim » Wed Apr 11, 2012 6:52 pm

Rick Nelson wrote Garden Party and Julian Lennon wrote I Don't Wanna Know about all the f**ks they have to give about pleasing people.

I wouldn't want to know if a bunch of people had not nice opinions about my dolls, I just save the nice ones like "she's beautiful" and know I made someone happy. As I've said before anyone who has to pick apart what someone else made probably never had the joy of making something with their own hands. Or they feel so bad about it or haven't built up their skills that they have to be jealous of anyone better than them. And if I can remember what I was doing the day you were born I'm going to think long and hard before I internet argue with you.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:10 am

You could submit a report showing that the photo's are stolen. So justice would be served without them having to have their feelings hurt.

Lol @ "And if I can remember what I was doing the day you were born I'm going to think long and hard before I internet argue with you." ^_^

If you check their page you can see their little news post complaining about me. It made me smile.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby EAB » Thu Apr 12, 2012 8:20 am

There are, unfortunately, people who delight in tearing other people down. I used to know one, but I broke off the relationship. It comes from envy. I've come across random places on the web seemingly devoted to that kind of thing: attempting to build yourself up by putting other people down. C.S. Lewis wrote about what he called, "I'm as good as you," speech. He pointed out that the pretty person never says it to the plain, the intelligent never says it to the stupid, the strong never says it to the weak. It's only said by those who know they're deficient in some way to those they perceive as being better.
Of course there are also sadistic people who just enjoy inflicting pain.
Don't even go to those sites. Don't poison your mind and emotions with their venom.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby myotishia » Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:22 am

The way I see it I just won't tolerate bullying in any way shape or form. I wouldn't go around deviantart telling people their art sucks and laughing because it's not productive, it's just cruel. What's more they don't let anyone defend themselves. They hide behind so called anonymity and poke fun at others. It's needless and I know that say five years ago something like that would have crushed me and sent me away from the hobby completely. I don't want anyone to go through that.
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Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby animeangel09189 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 7:28 pm

EAB wrote:Don't even go to those sites. Don't poison your mind and emotions with their venom.

Agreed. Highly agree while trying to think of a reply to all this I couldn't word it in a nice way at all. That reminded me Why I decided to stop with the online drama life is so much better with out it.

This is on my mind right now so I need to say it I was just on that MH insulting page on tumblr and page after page after page was basically Bashing this one person on DA who was supposedly young, had multiple accounts, and had threatened suicide for sympathy (so I read all the accounts were banned so couldn't see the journal) and it disgusted me I really hate that not just the bullying but the uncertainty of "if this 14 year old girl really who she says she is?" Trolls man they ruin it for a lot of people

Rule of thumb on the internet
Don't bait the trolls don't spread the hate because it will never go away
vent what happens then move on

Also you have to have thick skin (or be able to ignore things) to be on the internet

Sorry just had to get that out there I'm sorry if I was out of line

PS. All else fails think "Mean" By Taylor Swift http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkVSU4bXk4Q

Re: Tumblr rage (M)

Postby DollyKim » Fri Apr 13, 2012 6:06 am

Empathy seems to be lost on many people. If they feel their life is sh*tty it might be because they're behaving in a sh*tty manor. You have to stop yourself, wean off the bad thing, and decide every time you feel the urge to say something 'bad' about someone's doll either say something neutral to nice or say nothing at all. It is doable and it will change the energy of the universe around you. We all have our mean and nasty moments, it's how we deal with it that counts.
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