by OkamiKodomo » Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:29 pm
When one goes through troubled waters, one must appreciate the little things in life. In this case, it is sleeping in, a visit to a new niche restaurant, a trip to a local street fair, a small bag of kettle corn, and some Jeremiah's gelati: mango, and black raspberry italian ice with the creamiest vanilla soft-serve you ever did taste. I didn't get the work done I was planning to do today, and I had to skip out on a second doll meet for it, but ohhhh is it worth it.
And I got some potentially good news from the new job, which starts Tuesday, but I'm not supposed to talk about it to anyone until I speak to the manager first. XD I'm fairly sure she meant nobody that could be involved, but still... I'm giddy but afraid to hope, yanno? lol
I kinda want to extend a big thank you to the group here, being all supportive n' stuff for me. I'm sure a few of you rolled your eyes whenever I started bitching again, about the old job. But there was great advice offered, and ever-important encouragement, so yanno... thanks gang. /melodrama
Too many dollies to list. Check my profile if you wanna know who's who!