Maywong, sweetest185, arrowchild : Thank you. I had a lot of fun with these. B/W has always been one of my favorite formats.
Now if I can talk my husband into an old pinhole camera...
leopardessmoon wrote:the third one is my favorite. the blackness of her lashes is strikeing.
cirquemom wrote:I took one adult night school class in photography to learn how to develop film but that was years ago and I forgot. When I was a working artist (in fashion advertising) I did all the darkroom stuff- but that was for making PMTs with a 24 foot long process camera- different thing altogether. I liked the darkroom though. I could lock myself in there for hours and no one could bug me. Not even the executives could make me come out of there, lol! And I miss my favorite all-time camera- my old Canon AE-1.
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