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Teh Suckz Thread

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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Wed May 23, 2012 9:20 pm

I have flying ants in my room. Lucky my dad is a pest eliminator. He found their trail into the house outside and is going to spray for them tomorrow. Now I remember the number one thing I hate about summer; bugs!
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby victoriavictrix » Wed May 23, 2012 10:04 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:My immediate next door neighbors are, awful as it is to say, your stereotypical white trash couple. The girl is arrogant, and ignorant, and her boyfriend beats her. I wake up at least three times a week to banging and screaming (which gets my dogs barking) so I doubt I could bring it up to them. Honestly, I think they might be the cause of the problem. I've lived here for going on 4 years and never had a problem. They moved in about eight months ago.

My landlord has yet to fix a hole in the bathroom wall, a leaking kitchen drain (which makes my under-sink cabinets useless, and moldy) and the inaccessible water heater (drywalled in behind the stairs) so I doubt he's going to shell out to have the building treated. There isn't any construction around, but it was an unreasonably warm winter, even for Florida. I can put the boric acid in the cabinets, but not around the baseboards because of the dogs.

Yep, your neighbors would be your problem.

I hate to suggest this but you should consider moving.

Boric acid has a very low toxicity to dogs. In fact, you can apply it directly to carpets and beds where they sleep to also kill fleas; it is less toxic to them than the stuff in flea collars. That's one of many reasons why it is a good pesticide. http://www.hytechsales.com/boricdirections.html It should be perfectly safe to put lines of it around the baseboards.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Thu May 24, 2012 12:26 am

Thanks for the link, VV! I kept hearing 'boric acid can't be used around pets!!!!!11!1' with such certainty, that I didn't bother researching for myself. Shame on me. Maybe that can be a temporary solution, until we can relocate. We've been considering moving, because quite frankly, this whole neighborhood sucks, and it's downright dangerous. That's not even counting the crappy landlord and next door neighbors... but until we have 2 cars, or my fiance gets another job, we needed to stay where we were, so he could get to work, while I took the car. My new job is closer now, but it's still not walking distance.

I hate roaches so much. I get the heebie jeebies when I see 'em. It's funny (in a ha ha so not funny at all, way) because someone was just talking about roaches in this thread.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby DollyKim » Thu May 24, 2012 6:56 am

Have been in those neighborhoods and have had to move in and cleanup after people who have left grey carpet black, an inch of grease on the stove, and flushed things you couldn't imagine until they were snaked out.

It will get better, something is going to happen suddenly that will turn things in a better direction. Each place we've lived in this century has been better than the last.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Sat May 26, 2012 2:52 am

I just need to let out a good long rant so I don't bug one of my friends....



I don't do that! It's giving me stress because I can't spend the points I was given for it on commissions I want done until they're satisfied and on top of that they want TWO chapters of it? And a romance between someone's OC and a canon they know I have difficulty writing?

WHY!? WHY!? WHY!? I know I sound childish, that's the life of an artist kid ect but these guys are driving me nuts. I can't even write de-stress stuff cause when I get an idea and go to write it I feel all guilty and put it in the mental scrap bin.

And they seem to forget I have requests I still need to do and putting onto that goddamned layer of stress is going to make me go off the deep end and yell at them!

*deep breath* And on top of that the paranormal stuff has gone to a new low. Both Haruhi and Riven were messed with as well as one of my lamps.

Haruhi knocked over as was Riven (there was no way in hell they could have been knocked over by me. Both their wigs which fall off quite a bit when their knocked over were still on them and my blind bag pony was about five inches away from Haruhi knocked over as well when they were together....And the pony was still on my wii where they were.)

End of rant....I'm just really going fucking batshit over my stupid commissions...

Question: Do I have to give them sneak peeks if they ask? Even if I really, really don't want to? Because this person every few days knowing how stressed I've been lately over other things has kept asking me to send her paragraphs...
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby victoriavictrix » Sat May 26, 2012 3:57 am

I don't know the code of ethics for commissions on DA. I can tell you that when I do "Tuckerizations" (inserting real people as characters in one of my books) for charity auctions, I find out what that person looks like, what the name is, and in general the sort of person they want portrayed (I limit it to a paragraph) and then they see NOTHING until that section is done. And they do not get revision rights unless I somehow completely missed the mark.

So if it were me, it would be: you get to state once what you want. No, you get no additions after that unless you pay more. No, you get no sneak peeks.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Alopecia No Hime » Sat May 26, 2012 4:20 am

The code of ethics is pretty much nonexistant....It's what the person doing it says goes...

I'm going to go with she doesn't see anything until it's done. She wants more or complains she can pay more. Thanks for giving me some insight...
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby EAB » Sat May 26, 2012 11:11 am

The NYC summer swelter has officially begun.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Vetinari » Sat May 26, 2012 1:40 pm

Exams begin monday... Argh!
(They're degree finals :s)
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby magkelly » Tue May 29, 2012 8:48 pm

I am in a bit of a funk right now. I went to self-clean the oven the other night and it smoked up the whole house to where it was like there was a house fire. Had to call the fire dept et all. My very best doll was packed away, for which I am eternally grateful just now but my 50 best Barbies, my MT's and almost all my Odom, Tonner and very newest MA doll (Sabrina, the former Desperate Housewife) got badly smoked. I'm washing everything but I'm just having a hard time not crying while I am doing it. I'm upset. I can wash them but I'm just not sure I can get all the smell out of the vinyl. This is a lot of dolls and most of them are major favorites so I am not a very happy doll collector just now.
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