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Disney Dolls Mods

Barbie, Jenny, Fashion Royalty, Obitsu and 1/6 resins - basically anything 10-12inch/21-27cm or in the neighborhood.

Disney Dolls Mods

Postby SavantInamorata » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:24 pm

Hi, I'm new to here, and very new to doll modding. I've been interested in OOAK dolls for a long time, but I didn't realize you could do them from Barbies, Disney dolls, etc. I've picked up some dolls to practice with at yard sales, and I haven't started yet, but I have a grand scheme in mind, and need some advice.

After some practice, I want to try to make a nice Aladdin set... for my daughter... (ya ok, it's mostly b/c I like to do art stuff and I love Disney... but officially, for my daughter). So I had some ideas for the different characters, and would love some advice/feedback. I plan to practice on other dolls before I undertake a serious project, so I will likely have more questions along the way. But I have this goal in mind, so as I practice, I want to keep searching for components to use.

Jasmine - I have the "Sparkle Princess Jasmine," my daughter's first Barbie type doll actually. Image
The I have a LIV body I plan to use. Searching on here I've found for Disney heads, Liv bodies are a good choice. So that's a face repaint and body swap, shouldn't be too extensive.

Aladdin - I recently placed an order for a bunch of Disney dolls during the $8 doll sale at the disney store. I ordered this one: http://www.disneystore.com/dolls-toys-classic-aladdin-doll-12-h/mp/1266357/1000259/ The description says "fully poseable," so his legs better bend! Now, I would really want an Aladdin with real hair (I HATE molded hair). I can't seem to find one though, I've tried eBay. Does anyone know if this exists? I would just want to swap the hair head with the molded head on the body.
Now, this is where it would get more complicated. Likely I don't really have the patience to get this done, but, just to know. Is it possible to cut off the molded hair and redo the head with polymer clay, then insert real hair? Or has anyone just scalped another doll and switched the hair around?

Jafar - This just irks me, a Jafar doll exists... downside, it's a rare collector's item that generally sells for $200. Image Any advice on a cheaper alternative here? I buy things used at yard sales for dirt cheap... the thought of spending $200 on a doll, that hurts. =/

Sultan - This isn't really a must have, I mean, he's kind of annoying. But it'd be cool. The look I was going for is this: http://www.disneyfriends.net/modules/coppermine/albums/userpics/pictures/aladdin/Sultan/sultan02.gif The best idea I have had is to mod something like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NIB-DOLL-DISNEYS-SNOW-WHITE-AND-THE-SEVEN-DWARFS-HAPPY-/370589984507?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5648e266fb#ht_791wt_1037 1 big factor here is having him about half the size of Jasmine, so like 5.5ish inches. Any ideas are welcome. =)

Genie - This is what I plan to eventually get: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Disney-Princess-Vintage-1993-ALADDIN-PoSeABLE-12-GENIE-PLuSH-DOLL-By-Mattel-/221017752974?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3375af458e#ht_500wt_1054 I could have easily gotten this one: http://www.disneystore.com/disney/store/DSISearch?Searchstr=genie&x=0&y=0&storeId=10051&catalogId=10002&langId=-1&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&N=0&Nu=pProductID&Nr=pPublished%3A1&Ntk=All_Shopping&Ntt=genie&D=genie&Dr=pPublished%3A1 but his arms don't move, and the size looks silly next to the 12" Aladdin. So ya, that one's just a simple ordering it, and it's done.

Aladdin's Father - For this I planned to just get a spare Aladdin and give the face a makeover. Again, if I could do something about using real hair, it'd be great!

I might consider doing the main guard, I thought a GI Joe type body, modded could work. It's not a huge priority though.

As for clothing, etc. I sew, frequently. I plan to sew any outfits I need, and changes of clothes. I also make doll furniture, so the clothes and furniture will be the easy part for me. =)

A big thing that drives me crazy is when the heads aren't proportioned, granted, even Barbie's heads are huge, but I can live with that, Bratz dolls, LIV etc... ugh. But they need to be proportioned to eachother, I could have ordered the Jasmine from the disney store, she's poseable... she's also the same height as Aladdin, and her head is HUGE. The head I have is a normal size for a Barbie type body, and she'll be a little shorter than Aladdin, that's what I'm going for.

On another note, a very noob one. Anyone have some good tutorials to link? I have looked at some, but one thing I haven't found, after repainting a face, do you seal it in with anything?

Thanks anyone who took the time to read this. Any feedback is very welcome, and I am a total noob here, so please bare with my newbness. =)

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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby Jess ~Forget-me-not~ » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:35 pm

hey samantha :D welcome to the fourm!!! I too love disney dolls and have made some custom dolls based on disney characters like roxanne, vanessa and others. I'm also a HUGE disney, anime, animation character doll collector.

anywho, what exactly are you trying to do? are you trying to make dolls from scrach? or are you trying to re-paint and customize? also, you can find jafar out of the box online. :D
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby SavantInamorata » Fri Jun 01, 2012 6:39 pm

Hi, and thanks for the welcome. I'm not the best sculptor, so I was hoping to just repaint faces and Frankenstein together doll parts, to start with anyway. Could you share some of the disney dolls you've modded? I mean link pics? That would be awesome. =) Also, if you ever see a link for that Jafar out of the box, please please please let me know! Thanks!
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby Warrior » Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:33 pm

I've done re-scalping on some of my figures, before I learned how to root it was the only method I knew to give my guys longer hair, or just real hair. :) I like your plan to make the cast.
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby Jess ~Forget-me-not~ » Fri Jun 01, 2012 9:00 pm

I checked and it looks like the lot with the loose jafar sold :( but I'll keep an eye out. some of the other disney doll collectors sort threw their collection and thins it out. I have a few customs on my Deviant art


but I'm currently working on some right now, I'm putting the finishing touches. once its done I'll post it on this site and DA :mrgreen: I cant wait to see yours!!!!!! :D
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby Wardah » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:02 pm

Are you planning on using that dress for Jasmine or do you have a different outfit picked out for her? If you aren't using that dress I might be interested in taking it off your hands.
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby Jess ~Forget-me-not~ » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:18 am

you should try asking people on the disney doll fourm:


every once in a while, some one will clean out half of their collection, thats how I knew about jafar in the aladdin lot. You can always as them about disney dolls your looking for :mrgreen:
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Re: Disney Dolls Mods

Postby SavantInamorata » Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:44 am

Thanks everyone for replying. I bookmarked the disney doll site.
-Wardah, I was going to make her different clothes, you wanted the dress?

Right now I'm working on some furniture and whatnot, as I get my collection together I can post here, if you guys want to see. =)
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