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Dreamy Doll has left the building.

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Re: Dreamy Doll has left the building.

Postby Gift_in_Edge » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:00 pm

victoriavictrix wrote:Image

My hubby Larry and his buddy Chey. Larry takes care of Cheyenne for the falconer that used to fly him; she doesn't want to really do falconry anymore.

I can call Great Horned Owls to me. We probably rehabbed and released twenty or thirty owls over the years, the only ones I would NOT take were Great Horned babies (I'd do adults) because there was another rehabber who had a non-releasable female who was a great, and I mean terrific, foster mom. She actually fostered ten owlets at once one year!

We don't rehab anymore, there's a gal with a much better full-time facility just down the road. Plus, we are old and tired.

I'm so jealous! D:
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Re: Dreamy Doll has left the building.

Postby catshem » Sat Jul 14, 2012 2:28 pm

cirquemom wrote:
catshem wrote:I'm convinced she was a teenager who just thought she knew everything about anything, and interpreted people trying to steer her right as forcing her to change her opinion. *sigh* I think most people had that stage in some way or another as a teen.

When I entered this hobby I was emailing ki-ki for as much info as she had the time to share :P (I have no idea if she remembers me and if so meep, I didn't want you to think I was stalking you >_>). Then went up and down the internet for tutorials and dos and do nots. How anyone can enter into something and assume they know anything without actually having, in Dreamy Dolls position, a doll on hand and done anything with it, is beyond me. The idea that flying out to your faceup artist and basically stalking them is... what? How would you think that is a good idea? No faceup artist would allow that, that I can imagine anyway.

I was laughing at all the conversations with an "I can't believe this," and then she started insulting members and that was like, yeah no.

Goodbye child! We will not miss you and your attitude.

OH GAHHHHH!!! Just what you wrote reminds me of that girl who did the face-up on her bjd with markers...it was so horrible!!! She ruined the doll and just said, "Oh well, I have another head coming for it anyway...."

That poor doll T^T
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Re: Dreamy Doll has left the building.

Postby victoriavictrix » Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:09 pm

Well Chey is only that sweet with Larry. He's attacked me a couple times when he was "nesting" and got hormonal. When I go over to his studio, I go prepared to deal with a pissy owl (falconer's glove on my left hand and never turn my back on him. The day I can't intercept an incoming owl with the glove--which he doesn't want to land on--I'll probably be too crippled and decrepit to walk to the studio anyway).
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