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Anxiety with dolls?

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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Stormlight » Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:47 pm

I second the over 30s thread! I hang out there a lot, too, although I don't post much, mostly lurk. But there are LOTS of modders and faceup artists and sewers and they leave really great tips on how to do this and that. Plus, they're all really nice. No drama on that thread, no sir!

And the marketplace is addicting. Yes, sometimes you have to wait awhile to find what you want. I'm still looking for a Delf Miyu head, although with Fairyland's new 60cm line coming out, I'm keeping my fingers crossed they'll be re-releasing all the Delf sculpts since they own the rights, and the Delfs are what got me into this hobby in the first place.

However, I've gotten my last several dolls off the DOA marketplace, and at good prices, too. I just follow the thread until they drop the price to a reasonable level, then PM if nobody snaps it up ahead of time. Like my 50cm Obitsu. I'd been stalking the thread, hoping nobody would buy, but couldn't buy right away so had to wait a few months. Well, she ended up knocking another $40 off the price, right around the same time I finally had the money to buy the doll. I PMed immediately. Had the doll in hand in three days (she lived close and shipped immediately). lol Patience was definitely a virtue there.
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Dirili » Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:12 pm

lol, well I have an infinite wait currently, as I'm not even a member there.

Was thinking I'd like to get a Soah doll or head now that someone has ID'd the doll in my avi pic, but I just plunked down too much money in the last few weeks on dolls. Even if someone shot me an invite now, I knew I wouldn't want to wait a month to get the obitsu that I just ordered because I needed a model asap.
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Pleasesaveheart » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:33 pm

Oh my! I didn't expect a DOA explanation center here.
Thank you guys so much for your advice and I will put away all but my Dana, because I really love the scuplt and I want to design her more. But the problem I have with having so many dolls, is buying clothing and wigs and really getting to know each doll. I bought them all so fast I don't know how to bond with them. And I don't even have a camera to whore-- I mean show off-- my dollies out to you guys. It just makes me anxious and regretful to buy them and not try to bond with them all. It probably sounds really stupid, but I wish I just took it slow and bought a ton of clothes first. And then kept buying dolls. I bought a few dolls in one year once. I don't really think I thought about it.

Thank you all for your insight! :)
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Dirili » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:44 pm

ack! You need a camera! Even if it's just a cheapie one. You could link us to the sites where you bought the dolls to show off what you bought if you want to semi-show off without a camera.

I don't think you really need to get to know each doll one at a time at first. I mean it's sort of like you got adopted into a family and you're learning now to fit in hehe. It can be about family dynamic rather than individual interaction.

If the Suntek thing pans out, I'll have some cheap wigs to point you to... but for clothes, you can use any fabrics around your house and fashion them into outfits. hehe you could even make an outfit out of paper if you wanted to! You don't even have to know anything about sewing. A lot of people apparently cut up their socks and turn them into mini-dresses for their dolls. Or you could cut up some strips of fabric and drape it around the doll.
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Dirili » Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:47 pm

omg... I read entirely way too much manga apparently... it popped into my head that the situation would be more like a manga where a girl is living in a house and some family member or another invite a bunch of hot guys to rent out the spare rooms in the house and they all fall in love with her and she has to choose.

I've read waaaay too many of those storylines lol
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Pleasesaveheart » Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:06 pm

Its hard for me to get money for dollieh merchandise. I'm only 16. And I'm so afraid my clothes aren't going to be well recieved, because I've seen how mean people on DOA are and I'm afraid of running into that.
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby victoriavictrix » Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:08 pm

Pleasesaveheart wrote:Oh my! I didn't expect a DOA explanation center here.
Thank you guys so much for your advice and I will put away all but my Dana, because I really love the scuplt and I want to design her more. But the problem I have with having so many dolls, is buying clothing and wigs and really getting to know each doll. I bought them all so fast I don't know how to bond with them. And I don't even have a camera to whore-- I mean show off-- my dollies out to you guys. It just makes me anxious and regretful to buy them and not try to bond with them all. It probably sounds really stupid, but I wish I just took it slow and bought a ton of clothes first. And then kept buying dolls. I bought a few dolls in one year once. I don't really think I thought about it.

Thank you all for your insight! :)

The BEST way to bond with dolls is to make clothing and wigs for them!
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Kirahfaye » Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:54 am

Pleasesaveheart wrote:Its hard for me to get money for dollieh merchandise. I'm only 16. And I'm so afraid my clothes aren't going to be well recieved, because I've seen how mean people on DOA are and I'm afraid of running into that.

PSH - first point to remember: this is NOT DOA. We love sock dresses! Heck, we love sock puppets! My daughter (also 16) strategically wrapped fabric ribbon around her DZ Anne once and it looked cool - like one of those dresses that are so popular now.

Don't worry about what "we" think here. We love dolls without wigs, eyes and faceups. Just look at the photos we share!
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby Yanagi-sen » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:15 am

Pleasesaveheart wrote:Its hard for me to get money for dollieh merchandise. I'm only 16. And I'm so afraid my clothes aren't going to be well recieved, because I've seen how mean people on DOA are and I'm afraid of running into that.

Old clothes make great doll fabric, or old sheets, etc. And don't forget there are free patterns out there. Or if you want something specific and can't find a pattern, ask us. Someone probably has something. I know I horde every free pattern I come across, even if it is for a doll size I don't have!
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Re: Anxiety with dolls?

Postby happyknot » Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:34 am

Pleasesaveheart wrote: I bought them all so fast I don't know how to bond with them. And I don't even have a camera to whore-- I mean show off-- my dollies out to you guys. It just makes me anxious and regretful to buy them and not try to bond with them all.

I think the best idea would be to hold on to two dolls, and sell the rest. With the earnings from the sale you can buy a camera, or items for your remaining dolls.

A lot of people find themselves with doll fever when they first join the hobby for some reason. They end up finding great deals they can't pass up, or seeing a face they want in their collection, or it's a limited doll. There is no denying that the purchasing aspect of the hobby is exciting.

Letting go is just another aspect of the hobby. Some buyers are also happy to keep you updated on what they do with the dolls they buy from you. It can be a great way to make new contacts too.
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