we have a Palmetto street near campus in Chattanooga. I think it was named after the roaches that infest downtown. (joking.)
Wah, I have a suckz thread entry: I broke my elbow!!!! *boo hiss* I keep sneaking my arm up onto the desk to type but can only manage a few sentences before I have to let the sling back down. I fell down a slippery flight of stairs in the rain, cracked my head, elbow, and rolled onto the sidewalk with all the grace of a beached whale. Four hours in the E.R. and three x-rays later revealed a hairline fracture. I'm to keep it in a sling for a week or so, and will go back for an evaluation of my joint in a weeks' time. In the meantime, no typing (means no working on my book?? I think I'll cheat) and no driving. I have a stack of books to read, I can get that taken care of. Woo!!
I am very grateful though, it could have been so much worse. I have no concussion from my head whacking the stairs, and a hairline is far better than a solid break. I woke up in my own bed, I wasn't waiting for surgery the next morning. It worked out well. Much better than it could have been.