I know she isn't that old but she's so fragile in my eyes. She's rheumatic and has had so much bad luck the past 10 years. Last Summer we almost lost her because of a pulmonary embolism, she's been on the verge of life and death. The year before that she got in a car accident (I was in it too but got hurt less badly) and this year she got in an accident on her bike twice and while still recovering at home from that, she fell and broke her hip and shoulder.. and that's not even all of it.. It's as if she just can't catch a break

. When 2012 started I said this year had better be better than the ones before, but it actually turned out to be the worst so far

I visited her this afternoon and it's wonderful to see she's doing a lot better. She's in pain from the surgery but she was in more pain before the surgery, so she's actually quite calm about it. She's getting really bad cramps all through the night though, that the medical staff refuse to give her pain killers for. She's also stll recovering from the high amount of blood she lost during the operation. Her HB is very very low. But slowly, she's recovering. She was smiling and talking a lot this afternoon and it felt great to see her relatively happy.