No not when my obitsu joints rub together and squeak, but when am saving for a new buddy and LIFE smacks me with another bill! I had over half the money need for my 48cm obitsu ready to add to my debit account for saving till this Monday after I get paid to buy her.....and ya know what am down to 80 bucks >.<
I feel like everytime I get close, the devil, satan, the evil one (whoever you believe in) comes and takes my money!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok ok, so I decided when I get paid, what is owed me by friends and my first part of this months salary am gonna shuffle my budget (hold out on driving lessons) and just splurge and make up the balance and but her. It's like a pain in the gluteus that this keeps happening.....but I am not gonna stress am gonna live cause she will be my first big one and I will be rooting her head and customizing her to the "T". ........ And what ever extra bills come up I will simply say I can't help ya I ain't got the money!
Anyone ever get like this?