by famedglory » Wed Aug 15, 2012 7:44 am
My sister is a teacher at an inner city school in DC and she loves it. She's able to do a lot with the kids and really help out some of the ones who need it most, but she has friends in other schools there who have been less fortunate. I went through public schools my whole life and while there were points where it sucked, overall it was the best option for me.
And in answer to Evelien, homeschooling kind of falls into last place with popularity here. Public schools has the most, then private schools, then homeschool, although in several states there's been a recent push for it. If the parents do it right, there are plenty of ways for homeschool kids to get quality socialization through other organizations and other means. But then you have some families who don't socialize their kids and those are the ones people point to and the whole homeschool thing ends up with a kind of weird(not really justified) reputation. While the quality of public schools vary greatly from district to district, if we stay in the area we're in now, when we have kids they'll go the public route, but there are areas that we wouldn't move to because we wouldn't be comfortable with the public education there and I don't think we'd be able to afford to homeschool and frankly I don't think I'd be good at it.