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Teh Suckz Thread

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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Dirili » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:02 pm

Thank you for the offer SugarCorpse :) Sometimes I feel like writing to someone when I'm down. Not usually talking out loud. But I don't always end up doing anything at all.

Ug that sucks again Okami :( Is he just visiting during the days? Or has he been spending the nights there?

I used to use Trilian on my old computers. I never installed it here because I don't remember all my old passwords lol. I transfered all the files over to this computer, so a lot of things came over intact. I know I really should try to retrieve those though...

But the good news is that I fixed MSN! I thought it was looking like it was trying to display in blue/red 3D for some reason. My laptop is set up for 3D Stereoscopic, so it will automatically play video games and 3D movies in steroscopic mode which does not alter color and is completely different from red/blue 3D. In fact, it's hard to try to get many games and movies that SHOULD play in 3D to actually play in 3D, so why in the world would a chat program try to?

but turning off the 3D functions let MSN work properly. Still no word from AE though T_T I'm getting kind of annoyed with them and that's making Crystal look less attractive to me. Maybe I'll just buy these 2 Soom Mecha Angels that I have my eye on instead while their order date is open....
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby SugarCorpse » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:15 pm

Dirili wrote:Thank you for the offer SugarCorpse :) Sometimes I feel like writing to someone when I'm down. Not usually talking out loud. But I don't always end up doing anything at all.

its helped me a few times in the past to talk to people, especially on rough days so i always offer if anyone seems to need it, even if it just makes them feel just a little better.

I've had days so bad i might not have even made it this far if it wasn't for random people asking me if i needed to talk. lol
but lucky for me i haven't had one of those days in a really long time :D
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby OkamiKodomo » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:21 pm

Spending nights, and I just told my fiance that I asked him not to have people over this week and he goes "what so I can't have people over while you're not home?" and I pointed out that he's still here, two hours after I've gotten home, and he goes "You're lucky I haven't already invited him to crash here, because he has nowhere else to go."

I'm the lucky one? Really now.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby SugarCorpse » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:25 pm

OkamiKodomo wrote:Spending nights, and I just told my fiance that I asked him not to have people over this week and he goes "what so I can't have people over while you're not home?" and I pointed out that he's still here, two hours after I've gotten home, and he goes "You're lucky I haven't already invited him to crash here, because he has nowhere else to go."

I'm the lucky one? Really now.

"havent already" does that mean he's planning to invite him to stay? whos name is on the place you're living in? if its yours you could prolly call the police and have his friend removed if he wont kick him out.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Lamia of the Dark » Wed Aug 15, 2012 10:54 pm

#@!^$%&*@$%^ my job.

I hope my manager is the one who's been stealing sh**, and that she gets caught and fired soon. Yes, I know that sounds terrible, but she is so stupid, it's not even funny. She keeps changing the schedule without letting people who won't be in for a few days know, so they think they're supposed to be working what the schedule USED TO say, and not what she changed it too... you can't do things like that, man.

This idiot has also threatened to fire two different people (neither of which were me) over their medical conditions, which is not actually legal in any way, shape, or form.

ok, I'm done ranting now... but seriously, this is some f'***ed up s*** going on at this gas station.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby magkelly » Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:09 pm

Yanagi-sen wrote:
magkelly wrote:I'm still hurting pretty bad from the dental extraction thing. The saliva gland under my tongue apparently didn't take to being manhandled with a needle several times and it's really swollen and it's causing a lot of nerve pain. I'm putting ice packs on it but I'm still not up to much. I'll be around but probably not nearly as talkative as I usually am for the rest of the week. I'm glad the bad tooth is gone but the aftermath isn't pretty, ugh.

That sucks... I guess it's different if it's the wisdom tooth (and it was already erupted and straight, it just had a cavity and broke). I didn't swell at all and after a couple days didn't feel it. Are you taking anything? They gave me a prescription IF I needed it, I didn't even fill it, just stuck to ibuprofen. Hope you feel better soon!

Just resorted to Vicodin. Been doing Tylenol and/or Aleve and ice packs but it's not helping much. I'm hurting like hell. I'm hoping the Vico will do the trick but it's been a hour and so far nothing.I'm sitting here typing with a blue ice block under my chin. :P
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Evelien » Thu Aug 16, 2012 3:05 am

Wow, three more pages of sucky stuff while I was sleeping :o

@Diliri, about Asleep Eidolon: they have three dealers. In Europe there's Think Pink and in America there's MoC, and then there's their English blog in Hong Kong they're also selling from. If you're communicating with the HK blog, you should know you're not dealing with AE directly. They're a dealer too and when I bought Anne from them it took quite a while to get her because they made mistakes and were very slow in communicating.

If you ARE really dealing with AE directly, please ignore me ;). But if I recall correctly, isn't their website Chinese only or something..?
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Dirili » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:17 am

hmm... I thought I was dealing with them, because even though I've been referring to a semi-English site, the layouts are the same and not everything is translated into English.

The Chinese site: http://www.aedoll.cn/main.asp
The Chinese/English site: http://asleep-eidolon.com/index.asp
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Evelien » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:25 am

Oh, yeah, that's the official AE website indeed ^^.
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Re: Teh Suckz Thread

Postby Dirili » Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:06 am

I found the blog you were talking about!
Hmmm... maybe I should try messaging them too. They have the cheaper single set available that I would rather have. Maybe I'll get lucky and they will be faster these days hehe. Can't be much slower than what AE themselves are being right now... I feel like they are ignoring me.
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