magkelly wrote:I had a gal pal/roomie who used to do this, pretty much force other people on me almost every other day. At first it was a minor thing. She'd have a guy she was dating stay over for a night or invite a friend for a weekend, but then it got to where there were always people there, most of the them were people using something, and things started vanishing all the time. She'd be snarling at me asking where her stuff was and I'd be like "DUH, probably in the pocket of the stoner pal who you didn't half know but invited to stay with us last weekend." I don't know how you are about drugs yourself but this is not something you want. People on drugs just floating in and out, that you barely know all the time. Forget privacy issues, one of these days he's going to invite the wrong person home and there will be trouble. This guy is not the perfect boyfriend. He's a guy who sucks up to you when it's good for him and does what he wants the moment he thinks he can get away with it. This is passive aggressive mental abuse. Get away from him before it gets worse. No matter how much you love him. No car, no job, nothing is worth what might happen to you if this situation escalates. It doesn't get better. Not when drugs are involved.
OkamiKodomo wrote:Generally speaking, I don't mind pot. So long as it's not around me. He's not allowed to keep it in the house, he doesn't sell it, and in Florida, anything less than 20 grams is a misdemeanor. At best, it's a walking arrest: you're given a ticket, a court date, and a fine, and you go on your merry way. >_> One of my friends (that actually DOES respect how I feel about weed) has had it happen to her and her own boyfriend.
When I made him throw the roommates out last summer, I was indeed getting stolen from, because one of those roommates, that was never actually invited to live with us, and just gradually moved himself in, and I couldn't STAND, was one of those partiers, who did heavy drugs, and he would invite random people over despite my rule that no-one I didn't already know was allowed over. Nothing huge went missing; a piece of dollar store costume jewelry, a $10 flash drive, a packet of cheap hairties... but it always starts with little things, right? So he was the first one to go. That was a year ago, and he's been over to visit maybe three times. Such a travesty, right? Not.
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