You are most welcome. Feel free to message me anytime. Hell, I'll give you my cell number and we can chat or text if you're feeling down.

I know how it is being away from friends and family. That's one of the main reasons we moved back to NJ. Both my and my husband's families are here as well as a group of friends. We really don't see them (friends not family) that much - but it's nice knowing we have the option.
Certainly there are foods that just make you happy - but there is also the case where the foods cause the release of chemicals as well. I mean hell... I wish they sold jelly beans all year round.

But I only REALLY like the "Just Born" kind. Anyway, I'll not lecture you on the dangers of comfort food and eating disorders and etc. I'm sure you know.
I have to say it's kind of nice to see so much commonality, not just in the hobby we all share - but what we have been through. Not that I would wish depression or any other disorder on anyone - but it's nice to knwo you're not alone even amidst your fellow hobbyists. I'm still waking up, so I hope that made sense.
I absolutely will not let this kill my creativty. If it starts to happen, I discuss with the Dr how to get off of it (if I do not decide to do that sooner). I'll seek alternatives - whether that be trying some other medication or looking for something more holistic. I'm not saying I am goind to deny treatment - but I am not going to turn into some uncreative zombie either.
ON another sucky note... The new place we're at doesn't have the basement option I used to have. So no more being able to spray inside.

Ugghhhh. Now I am the mercy of the weather when trying to do face ups and it's been humid as hell for I don't even know how long. Hmm -- maybe today I will see if there is anything to be done along the lines of sealing off the studio for spraying. >_>
SugarCorpse wrote:Sixoclock wrote:Ahhh, did a little google-ing and as it turns out.. Pickles also can produce Tyramine - which causes the release of dopamine.

that's awesome! so its probably not just a placebo effect with me then. lol
i also worry that taking something may kill y creativity. It's good to know you wouldn't let it happen to you!
thank you for all the info <3