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Hybrids wanted!

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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby K2! » Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:44 pm

Nelly19 wrote:Wow is modding resin harder than vinyl?

Working with resin is quite a bit easier. With resin there is a lot more material (thickness) to work with and you can use both additive and subtractive techniques easily. Whereas with vinyl you are mostly limited to subtractive techniques.
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby coloredimage » Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:49 pm

He's resin, but my Gabriel is a DZ Fei/Goodreau hybrid.

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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby richila » Sun Sep 30, 2012 9:37 pm

Rita by richila9098, on Flickr
Monster High Clawdeen on Liv Alexis body.
I can point my toes! by richila9098, on Flickr
Nano Haruka head on Azone Picco Neemo body with 11cm obitsu feet
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby BadCandy » Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:59 pm

This is my girl, She's a Pullip Fdoll Hybrid. I had to remove the eye mechanism entirely to accommodate the neck joint for the strung resin body, as well as dremeling out her neck hole considerably. The proportions of the pullip head give a very youthful expression on 1/3 dolls. I hate these photos because her face doesn't look the right color, however the resin is a very good match.

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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Nelly19 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:41 am

I always enjoying seeing pullip hybrids the big heads and eyes are a personal favorite combination of mine. Thanks for sharing
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby magkelly » Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:49 am

I have a collection of about 20 Bratz on regular bodies but I also have another 25 on older Barbie bodies, dolls I call my Bratzbies. I actually love Bratz heads on Barbie bodies. Putting their heads on a Barbie body totally balances out the ultra big head thing. Most of my best Barbies are now on Liv bodies though some are on Fashionista bodies. There are some Barbies that I cannot swap out because they have very specific skin colors that the newer Barbies don't cover well but mostly I tend to use the same 50 articulated bodies and swap out heads when I want new faces. Older Barbie bodies have this habit of breaking down over time. The legs will go and leak junk. The newer bodies are much better and they're posable besides. In terms of my bigger dolls no, not too many hybrids there. The skin tones and neck widths on most larger fashion dolls just don't lend to much swapping out. I have swapped out newer bodies for older ones in the same line and vice versa. Again I have extra heads that I will swap out sometimes because their original bodies have gone yellow or brittle. But I don't swap dolls from different lines onto the bodies of dolls outside their lines. It usually just doesn't work.

I really wish someone would come out with an Obitsu type body for 16" fashion dolls that has different types of connector's for different types of fashion doll heads. Joe Tai at one point was making a fashion doll body that supposedly could replace a lot of them but they were rather expensive to buy and then unfortunately he passed away and that was the end of that. It's a real need though. A lot of 16" doll collector's I know they're desperate for affordable bodies for Gene and Alex in particular. Jason Wu actually made some replacement Gene bodies and at one time you could get cheap basic Alex dolls that were very well articulated for swapping out those, but you can't hardly get them now and there's been a lot of problems with older dolls and the discolored and brittle vinyl. I'd really love to be able to replace all my dolls with bad bodies or older stiff arm/stiff leg ones with something much nicer but at $70 and up a body (when you can get them) it just can't be done. Not on my budget.

Every now and again I do get lucky. I end up finding a basic Gene at the flea market or online for $25 that I already have, that hasn't yellowed, and I swap the bodies out. Or I hit a clearance sale and pick up an Alex doll with more articulation and a face I already have for $24 at places like Tuesday Morning and I can use that doll to swap out to one I like more. (I usually sell the clothes to pay for the swap.) But I actually have probably 25 of the 16" dolls that I want to eventually swap out and it's not very likely that it will ever completely happen. It's definitely an ongoing project and unfortunately it just keeps happening the issues with the vinyl. It's just part of the aging process of some dolls so I doubt that I will ever get them all to where I want them, all 100% perfect forever.

I get tempted though to just make this huge spool stand for the heads, because it always seems that I'm destined to have a few extra laugh...
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby BadCandy » Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:18 am

Nelly19 wrote:I always enjoying seeing pullip hybrids the big heads and eyes are a personal favorite combination of mine. Thanks for sharing
Thanks. Ive always wondered there arent more of them. Now, Hujoo 1/3 hybrids are wierd...
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Nelly19 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:46 am

BadCandy wrote:
Nelly19 wrote:I always enjoying seeing pullip hybrids the big heads and eyes are a personal favorite combination of mine. Thanks for sharing
Thanks. Ive always wondered there arent more of them. Now, Hujoo 1/3 hybrids are wierd...

well i know with me, i wanted one cause i find pullips adorable, but i dont know where to buy a pullip from, and i wouldnt spend oodles on a pullip and then change the body :/ that would be alot for me. :S Hujoos are wierd altogether hybrid or no hybrid. i do want some but if i were to ever hubrid thier bodies i may aim for something in the msd scale to stick thier heads on for balance purposes....then again those eyes.....o.o
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby BadCandy » Fri Oct 05, 2012 1:10 pm

Nelly19 wrote:
BadCandy wrote:
Nelly19 wrote:I always enjoying seeing pullip hybrids the big heads and eyes are a personal favorite combination of mine. Thanks for sharing
Thanks. Ive always wondered there arent more of them. Now, Hujoo 1/3 hybrids are wierd...

well i know with me, i wanted one cause i find pullips adorable, but i dont know where to buy a pullip from, and i wouldnt spend oodles on a pullip and then change the body :/ that would be alot for me. :S Hujoos are wierd altogether hybrid or no hybrid. i do want some but if i were to ever hubrid thier bodies i may aim for something in the msd scale to stick thier heads on for balance purposes....then again those eyes.....o.o

I put mine's head on a 1/3 because it was a labor of love. She had been my ONE girl for soo long. still is , i dont count the volks head i stuck on her old body that i practice face ups on ...

Friends of mine have bought from http://www.junkyspot.com/obindex.html

http://pullipstyle.com/ is THE definative webpage for all thing Pullip.

I even saw a few on toys R us's website a while back, which was wierd

I could see putting a Hujoo head on leekeworlds controversial (Something about it being similar to another doll?) weird body sculpt, the bizarre bottom heavy thing.

Subnote, a moth was fluttering around my laptop, and suddenly decided to try to fly INTO my ear just now O.O
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Re: Hybrids wanted!

Postby Nelly19 » Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:24 pm

Subnote, a moth was fluttering around my laptop, and suddenly decided to try to fly INTO my ear just now O.O

Rofl!!!!!!!!!!! >.< I thought they usually go for the nose!!!!!!!
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